FOOTBALL Branding/Jerseys


All American
Nov 13, 2013
We all have seen how CDM has gone full bore on the Middle Tennessee branding. (I'm all for it and just got some shirts with it)

The BlueZoo X account pointed out the jerseys. Players are wearing them in the roster pics and they are available on the NIL Athlete's Thread store.

Doesn’t matter so long as we continue to have a split brand.

We need a name change and and the block MT logo without the Pegasus. If we did that we would be able to have brand influence. Right now we have a hot mess regardless of what our jerseys look like.
A little dramatic.
Probably need a newer one soon, the jerseys I have are old. One Blue from the Slappy Mac era where the numbers have peeled off, a Blue jersey with a Silver stipe on the shoulder and a BlackOut jersey with a Blue stripe on the shoulder similar to the silver stripe on the Blue. Not sure if they are from the same year because they are different brands and the Blue is an OT with a #1 that is part of the cloth, the Blackout is Nike with a screen printed #11.
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I thought I saw where they had the new Middle Tennessee hats that Mason wears for sale but I cannot find them anywhere now. Does anyone know where I can find one?

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