Liberal and libertarian heads explode in 3.... 2.... 1....


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
Radical Islamists, have brought the fight right here to the Red, White and Blue and it's about time we bring it to them. Full force. Let's show them what the U.S. of A looks like up close and personal. Show 'em what a B1 bomber looks like flying overhead. Show 'em what they're messing with. Put the fear of OUR God in their desert. Because clearly our lack of strategy isn't working..

Dear Mr. President,

Where are you? As I sit here at 4:30 in the morning with my seven year old daughter who hasn't slept since our City was attacked by a terrorist who grew up here and called it "Home" for 24 years of his Muslim life.

Where were you? When the family of our five brave men who lost their lives that day were informed of the dreadful news, did they receive a call from you, our concerned, caring, president? I beg to differ. Instead you gave a nine minute very insincere apology about what occurred in Chattanooga, Tennessee. From my heart Mr. President, as a Native Chattanoogan, you have no right to even utter the words of my hometown. When the 9 Church members were killed in Charleston, why you made no hesitation to scurry there, even rush behind a pulpit even preach a funeral! Then you took it upon yourself to sing the old hymn "Amazing Grace" trying so hard to bring God's spirit into that place and through the TV screen. Let me be the first poor single mother to tell you Mr. President you didn't fool me. There was no God in your "Presentation", no God in that "Speech" that your overpaid blind to your B.S. Muslim Personal Assistant prepared for you. No no no Mr. President, you see We The People are fed up with you. Instead of being an Honorable President, and ordering ALL flags at half mass, you didn't order any. Instead of trying to find out what this idiot had been doing to plan this attack all these months, you go on VACATION. WE SEE where your priorities lie, we see that you don't care that these men protected your family as well. Your 'white' house you live in is surrounded by Secret Service men, all armed. Let's take their guns away, like our service men and women and see how many days you call in sick.

Mr. President..... Where will you be, during the funerals of our five fallen men??? From my heart I say this to you, STAY AWAY, we don't need you now. HERE IN THE GREAT CITY AND STATE OF CHATTANOOGA TENNESSEE WE DON'T LIKE COWARDS. WE ARE A COMMUNITY OF STRENGTH, SPIRIT, AND LOVE. HEROES ARE BORN AND RAISED HERE AND WE TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN!


The Daughter of A Soldier
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Former U.S. Congressman and retired LTC Allen West delivered a speech for the ages in Times Square tonight regarding the Iran nuclear agreement.

Listen to it and try to disagree with anything he says – I dare you!

The man understands what has and will keep America great, and above all, he speaks eloquently, and with pride!

From The Blaze:

Former Florida Congressman Allen West absolutely exploded over the Iran nuclear deal during a fiery speech at a “Stop Iran Deal Rally” in New York City’s Times Square on Wednesday. The Republican strongly criticized President Barack Obama’s leadership on the issue, calling him a “weakling” and “charlatan.”

West asked the crowd of thousands “what message” the United States is sending by negotiating with the “number one state sponsor of terrorism” and a country that is holding “four Americans hostage.”

“No different than the last time we had a weakling in the White House when we had 52 Americans being held hostage,” he added, referring to the Iranian hostage crisis during the Jimmy Carter administration.
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I expect Iran to have "violations" shortly and we'll see a UN (US) invasion within a year.

I hope we don't have another large false flag (you know, an explosion or something major that kills a bunch of average Americans but the rich and powerful are unscathed)
Radical Islamists, have brought the fight right here to the Red, White and Blue and it's about time we bring it to them. Full force. Let's show them what the U.S. of A looks like up close and personal. Show 'em what a B1 bomber looks like flying overhead. Show 'em what they're messing with. Put the fear of OUR God in their desert. Because clearly our lack of strategy isn't working..

That is pure awesomeness.

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