Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
Opposing Israel and supporting the historically-nomadic people that call themselves "Palestinians" fits with modern liberals' political ideology, which views modern political struggles as "Class Warfare", being waged between race and ethnic groups. Liberals believe that the predominantly white West is somehow subjugating the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint is an extension of the class-based, rich versus poor, categories, which they intentionally classify people in, following the lead of their fallen messiah, President Barack Hussein Obama.

On July17, 2014, an article titled, "Why Do Liberals Oppose Israel?" was posted on, featuring Joshua Muravchik, a fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, author of "Making David Into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel, 2014. In this book, the author explores the reasons behind this change.
Here is an excerpt from an email interview between The Christian Post (CP) and Joshua Muravchik.
CP: Why, today, are conservatives generally pro-Israel and liberals generally pro-Palestinian?

Muravchik: Leftists/liberals/progressives believe that the great moral drama of our era is "the rest against the West" or the "people of color" against the "white man." This has replaced poor-against-rich or worker-against-capitalist as the core idea of progressive thought. Seen through that lens, Israel (the "Western," "white" guys) is automatically wrong and the Palestinians (the "anti-colonialist" "people of color") are automatically right. On the other side, conservatives value Israel as a free country, a democracy, and an ally of the United States.

(see link for full interview)


BBJ, what does it say when we are the only defenders of Israel on this forum? If you had doubts about the true political allegiance of our posters, I believe this pretty much tells us who they really are. It's sad what liberalism has done to this country. We just have to keep fighting the battle and hope that conservative ideals and values will once again prevail. Keep fighting the fight my friend. God bless.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?
BBJ, what does it say when we are the only defenders of Israel on this forum? If you had doubts about the true political allegiance of our posters, I believe this pretty much tells us who they really are. It's sad what liberalism has done to this country. We just have to keep fighting the battle and hope that conservative ideals and values will once again prevail. Keep fighting the fight my friend. God bless.

Flash, I think it all boils down to whether or not a person has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I believe that if a person is a born-again, baptized believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, they should reject the tenets of liberalism and follow the teachings of God's Holy Word (Bible). I believe this also includes support for Israel and their sovereignty.

If you'll remember, a discussion about our former kicker--a professed homosexual--was discussed in the other forum awhile back. Did you happen to notice how the overwhelming majority of posters had no problem with his known deviant behavior? This speaks volumes to your question. Liberalism is really a symptom of a much deeper, spiritual problem in my view.
Originally posted by Blueraider_Mike:
Why do American Jews support Obama? I have no idea.
Mike, I've yet to understand that as well. Obama has quite clearly shown his support for Hamas and his disdain for Israel. You'd think that alone would change their minds.

This post was edited on 8/5 4:23 PM by bigbadjohn45
Originally posted by bigbadjohn45:
BBJ, what does it say when we are the only defenders of Israel on this forum? If you had doubts about the true political allegiance of our posters, I believe this pretty much tells us who they really are. It's sad what liberalism has done to this country. We just have to keep fighting the battle and hope that conservative ideals and values will once again prevail. Keep fighting the fight my friend. God bless.

Flash, I think it all boils down to whether or not a person has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I believe that if a person is a born-again, baptized believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, they should reject the tenets of liberalism and follow the teachings of God's Holy Word (Bible). I believe this also includes support for Israel and their sovereignty.

If you'll remember, a discussion about our former kicker--a professed homosexual--was discussed in the other forum awhile back. Did you happen to notice how the overwhelming majority of posters had no problem with his known deviant behavior? This speaks volumes to your question. Liberalism is really a symptom of a much deeper, spiritual problem in my view.
While I don't disagree with you about the cultural change, they are many other reasons to support Israel. Name another time in history when a winner of war doesn't get to run the country? Israel has defeated Arabs not once, not twice, but three times - literally Egpyt, Jordan and Syria all attacking simultaneously. Secondly, the Jews are Palestinians as well, the word Palestine used to review to the region, not a people group - the idea of a Palestinian state is a relatively new concept. Prior to Arafat and during peacetime between the various wars, many Palestinians worked and lived about the Jewish people in peace. If you do the research you will find, that the reason why so many of there folks left Israel was because the Arabs wanted them out was so their presence would not complicate the war - the idea was after the war was over and the Jews were defeated the Jewish lands and assets would be given to the folks would return - something for nothing.

Or how about all the aid that has gone to the Palestinian leaders - where is the development?

The bottom line is this, if Hamas lays down their weapons the war ends, if Israel lays down their weapons they will be overrun and cease to exist.

This post was edited on 8/6 6:59 AM by Blueraider_Mike
Well, let's see....The Israelis bomb an American ship in 1967 claiming that it was a mistake, even though the ship was clearly marked as a US ship. This ship was monitoring Israels activities and was destroyed because of it. The Israelis then went on to take copious amounts of land and claim it as their own. Since then they have been taking more and more land. See historic maps.

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