I want to make a very clear and poignant statement regarding this situation, and I'm going to use the AAC Commissioner's interview with CBS to make it. Copied below is one Q/A that the leadership of this university just absolutely does not comprehend and it starts with McPhee (and you can now add the new Board of Directors to that as well). They continue fail this university and all alumni by not being able to grasp this concept below that Aresco very clearly gets and articulates. Our leadership does not understand the gravity of how important our brand (or in our case lack therof) is to our present and our future. We continue to brand athletics one way and the rest of the university another way. The greatest barrier to Kermit creating a national brand for MT basketball wasn't getting us consistently into the NCAA Tournament. It was the lack of leadership to support him and the rest of the university toward that endeavor. Everyone has to all be pulling in the same direction and we simply don't have that. We are so fractured and broken. It goes back to the piss poor culture of this university and the lack of leadership to address it, change it, and truly allow the university to realize that potential we've always heard about.
CBS Sports: Do you have a feeling on whether you stay at 11 teams or expand and go to 12?
"It's not something we have to do. Unless you can get somebody who enhances our brand and our strength, it's not worth doing. Geography is a factor but not the biggest factor. We didn't take Wichita State [in basketball] because they happen to be close to our schools. We took them because they're a tremendous basketball team. I think we'll have a serious discussion. If we can't find anyone that makes sense, we would stay at 11."
CBS Sports: Do you have a feeling on whether you stay at 11 teams or expand and go to 12?
"It's not something we have to do. Unless you can get somebody who enhances our brand and our strength, it's not worth doing. Geography is a factor but not the biggest factor. We didn't take Wichita State [in basketball] because they happen to be close to our schools. We took them because they're a tremendous basketball team. I think we'll have a serious discussion. If we can't find anyone that makes sense, we would stay at 11."
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