

Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006

BBJ, on another board I came across this post in response to the "New American way of life.". I cannot verify the validity of this poster's statements but I tend to believe what he says.

"Grift like this exists in every "trash" category of American existence. What amazes me are these grifters usually don't give a rip about anything, but know when, why, where, who and how every last dime of enabled freebie works. I had a secretary once whose sister existed like this. She was 5' and weighed about 130 pounds when she was 21, so she got some Doc to declare her pre diabetic and obese. This was 25 years ago. Monthly disability checks since. She now weighs 118 pounds. She's had 4 children with 3 men, one Hispanic, one black, one American Indian. She is white trash of course. She has never taken care of any of the kids, nor have the sperm donors. She lives on an Indian reservation, and so also gets the perks for being the ex of an Indian from the reservation. In the end, she gets about $60k a year in free stuff. She actually described all this to me 10 years ago, was proud of it, laughed about it. She kept saying why should she work? And I agreed with her, what a deal. She spends most of her day playing games on her phone and computer all day and smoking pot, and then goes and plays bingo or gambles at casinos at night and gets drunk."

Note: these are the type of people who vote for Obama and Hillary.
In his 1992 campaign for president Bill Clinton preached to anyone who would listen that if you worked hard and played by the rules you could achieve the American Dream.

What he didn’t say was whose set of rules.

For Bill and Hillary Clinton it is, was and always has been about living by their own set of rules. Only suckers followed the rules that the rest of society lived by.

Now on the verge of the restoration of the Clintons to the White House, America’s first family of grifters have once again been caught twisting and contorting the rules that others are required to follow to fit their own narrow interests and natural narcissism.

This time the case involves Hillary’s time as Secretary of State. It was revealed by the New York Times this week that she never used a government e-mail address to conduct her official business as required by law.

In fact she not only didn’t use an official State Department e-mail address she created an elaborate covert unsecured e-mail system that included a server at her home in Chappaqua, New York.

She has since turned over 55,000 e-mails to the bureaucrats at State.

Case closed right? Not quite.

These e-mails are only a fraction of what she produced in her four years as Secretary of State. They were examined by her staff and not by State Department officials and then handed over to the government.

And we haven’t even talked about the possible security breaches by hackers or foreign governments.

What is she hiding?

As soon as this scandal was revealed, right on cue the Clintons unleashed their pack of attack dogs like David Brock to say this was all politics and that we should all just move on as there was nothing to see.

But unlike past Clinton scandals there are some intrepid reporters and liberal pundits who aren’t buying their lies this time.

Even some Democratic politicians are worried that without their version of Joan of Arc leading the ticket they will lose the White House in 2016.

I have news for the Democrats she might lose anyway and not just because of the e-mails. She is carrying more baggage than a Kardashian going to Paris for Fashion Week.

And if you are looking for a historical figure to compare Hillary to I would suggest Marie Antoinette who was as tone deaf to the plight of the peasants of France as Hillary is tone deaf to the everyday problems of the average American.

But the Clinton’s biggest and most formidable enemy is themselves.

Nobody told them to set up a secret e-mail system outside the prying eyes of the media to communicate with their retinue of lawyers, political hit men and crisis PR agents that inhabit ClintonWorld.

They did it.

Nobody told them to take questionable foreign donations for the Clinton Foundation with a wink and a nod to those who gave the money in return for consideration of future favors.

They did it.

Nobody told Bill Clinton to chase every skirt he could from Gennifer Flowers to Monica Lewinsky.

He did it.

And nobody told Hillary to viciously attack those and other women to cover up for his disgusting behavior.

She did it.

For Bill and Hillary Clinton haven’t played by the rules as they like to say in their speeches.

They have played by their rules.

And they will continue to do so until the people of America say enough is enough as they send these two hucksters into permanent political retirement in 2016.

So here is your Cowboy Wisdom for the Week and it comes from Groucho Marx.

“The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made”.

This should be the motto of the Clinton Clan.

They have been faking it for years and it has made them fabulously rich. And with the able assistance of a compliant media they now have it made.

But they have sold their souls to get this far and someday they will have to answer to a higher authority.

Even Bill Clinton can’t wheedle his way out of that judgment.
"Note: these are the type of people who vote for Obama and Hillary."

Flash, you just hit the proverbial nail right on the head! ;)
Such stupidity. These are people that don't vote period. I vote democrat I will be happy to compare1040s with you.
In your post you said "on another board". Why don't you guys go and spam actual political forums than a college athletics forum. I dont mind occasional political talk but the two of you basically flood this section with spam choking out any other topic that people may want to discuss like new restaurants in the area, pro sports, or UFC fights.

Im not saying to stop, some of this stuff is funny to me but do you really need to post ten new topics a day about Ted Cruz and articles aimed at insulting people? Maybe make some room for others to post here?
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They do it because some of them have the mentality of a 12 year old. Don't want to look at opposing views? Post so much spam that the opposing view is moved to the bottom of the page. Problem solved.
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