Did any of you in Murfreesboro attend the show Monday night? Questions for Stock? Haven’t seen any updates here. I’m listening to the podcast now.
Give the guy a break. He's doing a pretty good job. Vandy beat ut 4 of the last 6 times - is it a shock they won the other night? Lots of people posting here predicted that would be the outcome. Why predict it and then turn salty over it when it happened?
Take this article for example. (when some of you learn to read)
Stock is too old to go out there and block SEC linebackers. So is Massaro.
Isn't it up to the players to execute a game plan?
How Vanderbilt football made six sacks while outnumbered by MTSU blockers
After reading this article, what's even more disturbing is that Stockstill was actually quoted that he felt better about the o-line play compared to last year’s game.
Were you a QB at Florida State? Have you coached 152 D-1 games?
Unless your credentials are stronger, I'll go with what Stock says.
In Stock we trust