MWC getting blown up

My interest with MT athletics is dwindling. All this talk about teams reshuffling and we are never even in the conversation, short of the MAC opportunity. Which in hindsight is the best we will ever have and we should have taken it.

Such terrible leadership at MT. We are perfect in CUSA. Embarrassing conference full of bottom feeders, including MT. We are the laughing stock of college athletics and it feels hopeless beyond all repair. Why is the school even wasting money on facilities?

Are we even tryin to be part of the realignment conversations? Are we calling the MWC and trying to get a look? Probably not doing anything.
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They're all crabs in the bucket - instead of working together, they're killing each other thinking that one of them will get out - and they're all headed to the pot. Too many admins afraid of losing the meal ticket on the athletics gravy train.
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They're all crabs in the bucket - instead of working together, they're killing each other thinking that one of them will get out - and they're all headed to the pot. Too many admins afraid of losing the meal ticket on the athletics gravy train.
100%. It absolutely is completely stupid. The PAC and MWC should just merge, create a performance based payout system and call it a day. If the MWC got $7m before, together with a few more schools from the AAC, plus inflation, they could hit $10m. But instead they are wasting millions.

Now the MWC is going after MAC schools for football only which makes even less sense.
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If the MWC UTEP/NMSU and took Toledo/NIU would any of yall be interested in going after MAC schools? I feel like Ball St, Miami OH, and Ohio are teams we could possibly talk into switching over.
If the MWC UTEP/NMSU and took Toledo/NIU would any of yall be interested in going after MAC schools? I feel like Ball St, Miami OH, and Ohio are teams we could possibly talk into switching over.
I'm up for anything that puts us in a solid place. If it is staying in CUSA, fine. But right now I feel like we are on the outside looking in with no one, our admin or Judy, being proactive. A major shift is coming in a few years and I want us in the 2nd level, whatever that may end up being. I feel right now our conference could get dropped.

Hindsight is 20/20. Granted we jumped to CUSA later than we should have, but who could've guessed that now the SBC makes more money?

We always thought the MAC was the most stable out there and maybe should've taken it. Now? Are they? Who knows.

There just seems to be no forward thinking anywhere around us at all.
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I had not visited the Sun Belt board ever since we left over ten years ago. So I visited that message board today and there was a poll in one thread

Who do you want to see in the SBC if Texas State leaves?
Louisiana Tech​
Middle Tennessee​
Sam Houston State​
Western Kentucky​
Missouri State​

It's now

wkcc 76
MT 4
Actually pretty genius. UNLV/AF get $22m, then others $10.3m. This doesn't include what will be settled with the P12 poaching lawsuit so the MWC can use that to assist in buyouts for whoever they grab and then go to market for a media deal. They won't get the $7m they had before but they'll get more than us for sure. We are at $800k, MAC $750k, SBC $1m.

Why is Hawaii so low? Is there a deal in place or something for them to get less?
If the MWC UTEP/NMSU and took Toledo/NIU would any of yall be interested in going after MAC schools? I feel like Ball St, Miami OH, and Ohio are teams we could possibly talk into switching over.
Judy isn't smart enough to do much. She is probably oblivious to all of this going on.
Everyone has. Wait until you see Tarleton State grow over the next 10 years. We all joked about "what the hell is a Tarleton?" when it was rumored they would join CUSA....

Just wait
I will see them 1st hand in a few weeks. I will let you know about facilities