UAB president to make case at C-USA winter meetings

UAB Pres is like a lot of people - He wants to do what he wants to do but not face the previously known consequences. If he had any character, which is questionable, he would present his withdrawal request to the members and leave the building. He damn sure knew the C-USA by-laws before he decided to drop FB.
Originally posted by MTFNBY5:
UAB Pres is like a lot of people - He wants to do what he wants to do but not face the previously known consequences. If he had any character, which is questionable, he would present his withdrawal request to the members and leave the building. He damn sure knew the C-USA by-laws before he decided to drop FB.
Quite true. The complicated issue with UAB is market and the very slim possibility that they could return to FBS football quite soon. They've reevaluated the original study after their hasty decision to drop football and it is possible that the second study could affirm the value of FBS football for the institution.