The Fox News Channel: Full Time Enablers Of Donald Trump


All American
Jul 9, 2010
The Fox News Channel: Full Time Enablers Of Donald Trump
By:Jay Caruso| March 16th, 2016 at 09:57 PM |


Donald Trump appeared on The O’Reilly Factor tonight in what must have marked appearance (including all of the times he has dialed in) number 9,374,384 since last June when Trump announced he was going to seek the GOP Presidential nomination. The Fox News Channel, above all other television stations, including cable and network stations, has been the biggest pimp to Trump’s whoredom since he got into the race.

Andrea Tantaros– In the dictionary under Trump Fangirl there is a photo of Andrea Tantaros. The only reason she’s not the top rated Trump fan is because she doesn’t have a show all of her own the way Bolling does. There is nothing that escape her lips about Donald Trump that is not positive and once laughingly claimed there were men in this country who saw Trump as their final hope to rescue their manhood.

Bill O’Reilly– He of the “No Spin Zone” routinely allows Trump on his show to make completely outrageous claims to which O’Reilly only tepidly responds when if it was any other person, he’d explode in a fit of rage at the thought of somebody trying to BS him. Trump does just that and it’s not hard to imagine O’Reilly sitting their with a fork and a napkin tucked into his shirt enjoying a nice big bowl of Trump’s BS.

Fox & Friends– I would say Steve Doocy is the biggest culprit, but it was hard to turn on Fox & Friends at any point (well, it’s hard to watch regardless) since last summer and not hear Donald Trump on the air. From what I have heard (and I haven’t confirmed) is Trump is one of only a handful of people who is allowed to call in to the station to do interviews. Anybody else must be in studio or tied into a remote in order to appear. Trump would normally hit Fox and Friends after one his many disastrous debates or after saying something particularly stupid in order to try and save face. Naturally, he wasn’t challenged.

Sean Hannity– I let Andrea Tantaros take second chair to Eric Bolling’s crown as King Fanboy for Trump because I didn’t want to be sexist, but nobody has ruined their reputation more than Hannity in all of this. Hannity has been a fixture at the Fox News Channel since it launched. ‘Hannity and Colmes’ was one of the shows I always used to watch and it was depressing watching him quickly sink into the Trump bog without even putting up a fight. The best part was watching Hannity, who has been a fixture in Republican (not conservative) circles for the last 20 years, talk about “the establishment” and the “ruling class” as if he was only hatched in June of 2015 as a populist. Trump’s appearances on Hannity’s show became so common, people had betting pools on how many times per week Trump would appear.

As I mentioned before,Greg Gutfeldis one of the handful of Fox News personalities and news people who are not afraid to call out Trump’s nonsense.Dana Perinois another as isMegyn Kelly.Bret Baieris one of the best journalists on television and has always provided well rounded coverage of Trump. But for the most part, Fox News has lost its way.

The Fox News Channel has prided itself on being a network they say is “fair and balanced.” Roger Ailes was a genius for using this term and he explained once it was absolutely true. He said Fox News was network that pushed down on the media scales in order to even things out. The media for too long was controlled by Democrats and liberals. Fox News was there to bring some balance to the landscape.

Unfortunately, since last June they have slowly morphed into what everybody said they were: hacks.

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