Sing a little louder

Sing a little louder is a testimony shared by a German Jew who watched from his church each week trains carrying Jews into a concentration camp. As a church, they decided to just sing a little louder because they did not want to get involved with what was happening. Many years later, as he listened to a woman share her testimony here in America; he wept and stated the same thing is happening here in America as it did in Germany. Christians have learned to just sing a little louder regarding abortion. If the slaughter of millions of innocent babies does not get the church to act, what will?

It is unconscionable that at a time when the Obama administration wants to cut the active duty US Army by 40,000 troops and allow entry of 10,000 Syrian “refugees,” the DC liberal media is talking about a government shutdown. And over what?

President Obama threatens to veto any continuing resolution budget legislation that does not include $550 million to fund Planned Parenthood. Apparently President Obama cherishes killing babies and harvesting their body parts more than fighting and killing Islamic jihadists. If the House and Senate GOP leadership cannot make that simple point, they should be removed, and I would be happy to debate the issue.

If Barack Obama wants to force the entire government to shut down over providing US taxpayer dollars to a private sector, not-for-profit organization that is running a $1 billion profit — I want to hear the liberal progressive media explain that to the American people.

The policy preferences for Barack Obama have nothing to do with upholding the highest moral principles and values, or protecting our Republic. It is about an ideological agenda that is the antihesis to who we are, these United States of America. The US federal government will continue to operate. Let the rich liberal progressive Hollywood elites and George Soros pony up the $550 million for the evil we now know Planned Parenthood carries out.