Scott Walker confronted about his support for the lawsuit to block DAPA


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
One of the big hot button issues for this election cycle — thanks in large part to Donald Trump stirring the pot and bringing the topic back to the forefront of political conversation in America — is illegal immigration.

Presidential candidate Gov. Scott Walker was recently confronted by an illegal immigrant, and the response he gave was straight to the point.

From TheBlaze:

Jose Flores, 38, who lives in the U.S. illegally with wife and four children, told Walker he fears being deported and separated from his American citizen children and asked him why he opposes President Obama Obama’s immigration policies, according to the Washington Post.

Walker told Flores several times using various phrases, “We’re a nation of laws.” The Republican strongly criticized Obama over his unilateral immigration action that has been halted by a judge, arguing that the president is not authorized to create laws via executive order.

“My point is that you have to follow the law, follow the process,” he added.

In a video uploaded on YouTube, Walker is also heard telling the father, “No man or woman is above the law in this country — that’s the beauty of America.” Near the end of the exchange, Walker clarified that he never said he would support “deporting” the man or his wife from the United States and repeatedly claimed he “sympathizes” with the family.

Unlike Donald Trump, Gov. Walker is a statesman and one I would be proud to support if he becomes the Republican nominee.
"Near the end of the exchange, Walker clarified that he never said he would support “deporting” the man or his wife from the United States and repeatedly claimed he “sympathizes” with the family."

Why should we allow anyone who enters our country illegally to remain here? To do so is extremely unfair to those who went through the process of immigrating here LEGALLY.

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