Rejecting the notion of victimhood


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
Mike, you once shared with us the economic hardships that you and your mother experienced when you were young. Despite your struggles, you were able to overcome economic obstacles and persevere. Below is a post from another board that echoes your sentiment about perseverance. After seeing all the burning and looting in Ferguson, I have to believe there will be a lot more Americans becoming sick and tired of the victimhood narrative coming from the left. Hopefully, we will begin to see more African-Americans speaking out against dependency and victimhood (see link).

What a hoot, we've got Lebron James and Spike Lee speaking out on behalf of Brown and the Ferguson community. How about putting your money in play, you two, and instead of stoking the fires how about telling all the looters and rioters and race pimps to stop. If the Auto Zone was owned by James or Lee, different story. What a bizarre and strange reaction, Wilson is exonerated, they don't like it, so they stir the pot. I can't stand the victimhood, the woe is me, the I came from the streets or grew up in a bad environment. As if non minorities all grew up with silver spoons in their mouths. I can remember Kevin Garnett doing a Nike Commercial about how he grew out of his sneakers when he was in Junior high and had to cut the ends off and then put cardboard in the insides. As if no one else on earth, except victimized blacks in America, could that possibly happen to. I wore my older brothers hand me down sneakers, that already had holes in the bottom and the tops slit, my entire stint in elementary school. Cardboard from trash heaps, tape from classrooms. My older brothers and I would get one pair of hand me down pants and one shirt, and that's what we wore to school for sometimes an entire year. My two older brothers would take a bath together, then myself and my 2 younger brothers would hop in the same dirty tub of water to take our baths, till I was 12, once a week if we were lucky. We had one working bathroom for 9 people in a 1200 square foot dump. 5 square miles of families just like that around us. One meal a day, if we were lucky, spam, bologna, tuna fish on a half slice of stale bread. We didn't steal or complain or riot or loot or consider ourselves victims, we got through it, survived, and then made our own fate. No victimhood, just opportunity to grasp. I'm sick of the victimhood and the excuses that I see all over the United States, sick of it. .

Blacks must reject dependency and victimhood
You have a good memory. Many of us grew up poor.

The narrative of vicimhood is alive and real; and old. If Wilson would have been indited; they would say America is bad and racist, when he was not; they said America is bad and racist. It doesn't matter

The good news is many black Americans are getting sick of it as well. The question always boils down to who benefits to keep this false narrative going? And there you have the answer.

There will never be a "fair" shake here on earth. Now more than ever we see the "evil" in mens hearts. The evil is the result of sin, which we all have. Like you, me and even Michael Brown we all start in different places, its not where we start it what we do with what we have been given. We can only control our own actions, thoughts. While the world will never be perfect, it can be a bit better if we reject victim hood.

Its Thanksgiving, we are reminded today that every good thing is God's Grace.

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