Question for BBJ


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
BBJ, make no mistake about it, I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump but I understand why people are concerned about illegal immigration (click web address below). Sen. Cruz has been just as consistent against illegal immigration as Trump yet he has not done nearly as well in recent polls. Is it because the majority of the people are still unfamiliar with Sen Cruz or is it because there are just too many GOP candidates running at this time that his message is just not being heard by potential voters? You and I know Sen. Cruz is the most articulate and polished debater out there so will it take a couple of GOP debates before people begin to see that he is the best candidate out there? Thoughts?
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Flash, I think it's still too early to be overly concerned with polls. Many of these polls are skewed to achieve the desired result. Furthermore, as you mentioned, we've yet to have a debate, and once they begin, people will take notice of Cruz's superior debate skills.

I also wouldn't underestimate Cruz's ability to campaign at the grassroots level. He's been drawing big crowds in Iowa, New Hampshire, etc., and is excellent at "retail politics." Combine that with the campaign war chest he's building (over $51 million raised at last count), and you've got a candidate who means serious business. Stay tuned, my friend....
BBJ, make no mistake about it, I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump but I understand why people are concerned about illegal immigration (click web address below). Sen. Cruz has been just as consistent against illegal immigration as Trump yet he has not done nearly as well in recent polls. Is it because the majority of the people are still unfamiliar with Sen Cruz or is it because there are just too many GOP candidates running at this time that his message is just not being heard by potential voters? You and I know Sen. Cruz is the most articulate and polished debater out there so will it take a couple of GOP debates before people begin to see that he is the best candidate out there? Thoughts?
Flash, I remember the liberals and the media (just repeated myself) in Texas giving Ted Cruz ZERO chance of beating David Dewhurst for the Senate race. There were many “poor” Texans who could see the honor, character, and determination of Ted Cruz. Well...he won and he won big. Don’t believe polls. Texas polls had him with NO CHANCE of winning. Polls and the media are big on trying to destroy candidates before they get started. Ted Cruz is a man of honor, decency, and has a spine. People will eventually see it for themselves and that’s when things will get rolling.

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