Obamacare More Unpopular Than Ever, Premiums Rising, Must Be Repealed


All American
Jul 9, 2010
Obamacare More Unpopular Than Ever, Premiums Rising, Must Be Repealed

RUSH: The latest Investor's Business Daily poll has found that 52% of the public opposes Obamacare. That's up from when the question was last asked in August. According to the poll, 52% of independents opposed the law, as do 92% of Republicans.

Among Democrats, fewer than one in five oppose it. The Obamacare polls are far worse among the middle class and less educated who are supposed to be its main beneficiaries. Fifty-eight percent of those making between 50 and $75,000 a year say they oppose the law. That's the highest of any income bracket. And why? Why is that? As the story says, they're supposedly the beneficiaries. Because they're the ones getting creamed. They're the ones who see their premiums doubling and tripling. The same thing with the deductibles. The deductibles are so high you never get to use them, meaning you're paying a good percentage of your treatment, which you thought you weren't gonna be paying much of anything before Obamacare became law.

Now, the Obamacare third open enrollment period started essentially today. It's November 1st, which was yesterday, Sunday. And people are not signing up. They're wary. They are confused. They're unhappy about it. And now this from The Daily Caller: "Obamacare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase," claimed by CBO and the Obama administration.

"The discrepancy is because the government excluded price data for three of the four Obamacare health insurance plans when the officials issued their recent forecast claiming enrollees would face only a 7.5 percent average rate increase in 2016. When data for all four plans are included, premium costs will actually rise on average 20.3 percent next year." That's on top of what they've already risen and people can't afford it. They couldn't afford the first cost. Now, there are four Obamacare insurance plans: silver, bronze, gold, and platinum. When announcing the 2016 increases for these plans, Obamacare propagandists only calculated and communicated the price increase of one plan, the silver plan, and they said it's gonna go up seven and a half percent. They made it sound like the silver plan increase was the same across the board.

They were lying. One plan goes up seven and a half percent, the silver plan. They purposely didn't factor in the other three, the bronze, gold, and platinum, and when taken together, all four Obamacare plans explode the premium increase up to 20%. And this is why it's unpopular. You look at the way this was sold. And, by the way, people heard this, they heard Obama say their premiums were gonna go down $2,500. Many people thought it wasn't gonna cost them anything. Many people thought Obamacare was gonna give them health insurance for nothing. Many people thought that Obamacare was only gonna insure the uninsured. Many people thought that it was gonna be cheaper, easier, because that's how it was sold. They were lied to from top to bottom on this.

Now they find out they can't afford it. Now they find out that some of the co-ops and the exchanges are insolvent. Now they find out that premiums are doubling and tripling, and the only option they have is to pay the fine, which still, for a few short more years, is less expensive than having the policy. It's an absolute, total mess, and it does need to be totally scrapped. And it's something that ought to be part of the 2016 presidential race. The problem there is that the Republicans since 2010 have been promising to repeal it. And they have not kept the promise. They have made mere efforts. All they've done is say that they're going to repeal it, and they've had a couple of votes, but there's never really been any impetus behind it because it's an entitlement. Republicans were afraid what the Democrats and the media will say if they're accused of taking an entitlement away from people. Meanwhile, over here is a ready-made -- and it has been since 2010 -- a ready-made majority coalition for the Republican Party to attach itself to, and that is a majority in opposition to Obamacare, something the vast majority of the people in this country want no part of. And yet both parties in Washington seem joined at the hip in forcing it on people anyway.