I will defend Donovan just a bit. Everyone's comments about the missed FT implied that making it would have sealed the game. It would have still been a one-possession game with a make, and UNCW had just hit a long two and a contested 3 prior to that. Obviously it would have made a tie much more difficult to obtain, but to suggest making both would have put the game out of reach is inaccurate. In addition, he made a clutch 3 that bailed us out in the first OT.
That said, it's easy to be disappointed in the immediate term, but hard to be upset about the season as a whole. UNCW looked and played like an experienced team down the stretch. Our guys have not had that same type of experience to this point. My hope is that this run of one-and-done games to end the season helps build that "clutch" gene.
I will say, it had been a while since I felt that feeling of emotional investment that comes along with having a good team with aspirations and something to play for. It was nice to get worked up again. I'm exceedingly pleased with the product we put on the court this season, and I'm ready to be a perennial contender again.