Liberals Routinely Resist Capitalism, Use Twitter Hashtag to Prove That Point


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
BBJ, take a look at what happened right after liberals tweeted #ResistCapitalism from their capitalist Twitter accounts on their capitalist smartphones (click on web address below).

Irony is never lost on a person of the left. Contradiction and absurdity are also main tenets of the Democrat party’s stance on virtually every issue because the liberal agenda is so full of paradoxes it’s comical.

When will they comprehend that capitalism is what makes America so great? We know our president won’t admit it.

What would our nation be without capitalism? Capitalism creates jobs and wealth!

Liberals wouldn’t work for free would they?

There’s no two ways around it, liberals are children. They want and want and take and take and yet, they don’t understand that the very products they use every single day are the result of “evil” capitalism!

Are they ever going to grow up?
BBJ, take a look at what happened right after liberals tweeted #ResistCapitalism from their capitalist Twitter accounts on their capitalist smartphones (click on web address below).

Irony is never lost on a person of the left. Contradiction and absurdity are also main tenets of the Democrat party’s stance on virtually every issue because the liberal agenda is so full of paradoxes it’s comical.

When will they comprehend that capitalism is what makes America so great? We know our president won’t admit it.

What would our nation be without capitalism? Capitalism creates jobs and wealth!

Liberals wouldn’t work for free would they?

There’s no two ways around it, liberals are children. They want and want and take and take and yet, they don’t understand that the very products they use every single day are the result of “evil” capitalism!

Are they ever going to grow up?

Flash, and this is precisely why the Obama administration refuses to approve the Keystone Pipeline project. An energy independent nation is a nation which breeds capitalism with cheaper oil/gas prices--freeing the common man of high energy costs in order to pursue private enterprise.
I don't think anyone is saying not to have a capitalist society. I think they are saying let's do it responsibly. Have you looked at a copy of the TN fishing regs from TWRA lately? Go to the section that lists the lakes and rivers that we shouldn't eat fish out of...there are quite a few and not all of them are listed. Look at historic asthma/copd rates...they have been increasing as time goes by. Look at where the US ranks for first world nations in persons in prison (or any nation for that category), infant mortality, poverty. Now please don't come along and start pointing out absurd "facts" or "points." We do terribly in those categories and the excuses are just sad. Most on the left that i know are all for capitalism. They are merely saying that we need to have it done responsibly. The more you spin like this, the more you make the situation confusing. Also, I notice that you are still on the same old dogma of bashing the left as being full of idiots. Like the right, the left has it's share of knuckleheads, but generally speaking, they raise some good points. But, I know you will always consider the entire lot worthless, which is why we are where we are in this country.
BBJ, take a look at what happened right after liberals tweeted #ResistCapitalism from their capitalist Twitter accounts on their capitalist smartphones (click on web address below).

Irony is never lost on a person of the left. Contradiction and absurdity are also main tenets of the Democrat party’s stance on virtually every issue because the liberal agenda is so full of paradoxes it’s comical.

When will they comprehend that capitalism is what makes America so great? We know our president won’t admit it.

What would our nation be without capitalism? Capitalism creates jobs and wealth!

Liberals wouldn’t work for free would they?

There’s no two ways around it, liberals are children. They want and want and take and take and yet, they don’t understand that the very products they use every single day are the result of “evil” capitalism!

Are they ever going to grow up?
And no, liberals never seem to grow up!
So, stating that our resources (you know the water we drink and the air we breath) are being polluted means liberals aren't "grown up?" I'm assuming that was addressed at my post. If it wasn't then disregard. You guys just don't get it. You don't want to even imagine that we have issues that have been caused by capitalism and that those issues need to be addressed and the causes of them as well. Until you get that through your heads, we are at a stalemate. Actually, I think over the years, liberals will win more and more elections. Republicans will still be around, but they won't have the power they have now because they refuse to acknowledge that these are real issues that need to be addressed. I sure would like it if our great-great grandchildren were able to once again eat out of these rivers and breath clean air. Not all that is associated with capitalism is positive right now. We need to address it and move forward.