Frankly, your input was what I found most unexpected. While I'm not sure I can put your face with your name here, I have been seeing your name posting around here for many years. Particularly with the last few years with football, your attitude has been remarkably upbeat and optimistic when even most other diehards have grown tired of the years of mediocrity. So it has really puzzled me to see you so down on the new coach to the point of almost cursing his newly starting tenure.
Much has been made recently in this thread regarding defense. I'm not sure I can add all that much here especially since CNM has yet to even coach one day of regular season basketball at MT. Sure his record at UNC-A can be suggestive. Upon CNM hiring, I was not overly impressed with his defensive record at first glance. Steals and low turnovers on the offensive side did standout. Rebounding I found to be unimpressive, not bad but not great. I hope rebounding can be more of a priority for CNM, but I come to this discussion after years of being schooled in Kermit defense which is one of the more intense defenses in the country. Still, it took Kermit 10 years to find players to stick with Kermit's defensive system. Even after that, Kermit's recruiting classes were never much on being highly rated. To the point, the last couple of years it has been a rebuild job each season. Had Kermit even stayed, this upcoming season would in all likelihood have been one of many ups and downs.
This is meant more as a rhetorical question, but I have to wonder if your attitude is influenced by personal relationships. Sometimes personal connections and loyalty can explain contrary and almost unexpected attitudes. Regardless if my musings are remotely accurate or not, it does seem premature to see such harsh predictions and expectations. Ultimately, I don't know what time will unveil. Maybe CNM won't have MT playing as strong and intensely on defense as Kermit coached. Then again, maybe CNM will be able to recruit higher rated players for a core for the team to be built around. This much does seem apparent, CNM had good success as a young coach at his level (Big South Conf) of D1 basketball. Likely a pretty fair measure especially since his program wasn't exactly funded or supported that well even for it's conference. Given those circumstances, he appears to have done an outstanding job of recruiting.
All and all, I'm willing to give the guy a chance. I'm somewhat hopeful that the new young coach can bring some exciting times to MT bball with a shot for new levels of success over the next few years.
Mention of Massaro has gotten into the mix here also. While related, Massaro is somewhat of a different discussion in my opinion. I will add that CNM being the 5th alternate of a choice for HC comes as a surprise. Were four other coaches really interviewed and offered a pay package before CNM? For MT, his hiring occurred at an almost lightning speed. For MT to have had time to offer and be declined by four other coaches is a little hard to find believable. It was widely circulated or believed that Massaro was high on the ETSU coach for the last two years. I understand feelers were put out, but the ETSU wasn't interested especially in the light of a shiny new pay raise and contract at ETSU. Was that coach brought in and formally offered? If so, it would be plain to see he would be counted as one who declined. If feelers were put out with little to no interest, I wouldn't necessarily call that MT's 5th choice. Then again, maybe I'm misunderstanding the discussion if one is referring to a priority list Massaro may have referenced. Lastly, it really goes counter to the prevailing perception even on a national level in that MT bball HC position was an attractive job.