A harsh conservative critic of Trump does some rethinking


Blue Raider Legend
Gold Member
Jul 22, 2001
God's Country
...At this point, what is the point of the #NeverTrump impulse?

Do you guys actually want Hillary Clinton in office, as Ben Howe, possibly just being baiting and trollish, said a few weeks back?

You want more lies? More Benghazis? More jailed video makers?

More Transgendered Bathrooms and Co-Ed showers? More Title IX redefinitions? More Deal Colleague letters? More Social Rape Justice hoax prosecutions?

More executive power grabs? More lying to federal judges by Administration officials? More contempt by Attorneys General and Directors of the IRS?

More illegal orders to release terrorists and give Iran the bomb?

More millions of illegals amnestied?

Remember, in the Jose Ramos debate, Hillary Clinton vowed that not a single illegal alien would be deported, ever, except for those proven to have committed murder.

More foreign policy ineptitude? More rolling into Libya without a plan and announcing like a 15 year old boyman that "We came, we saw, we kicked some ass"?

More Lois Lerners? More weaponization of government?

More hidden secret email accounts? More giving national security secrets to the Chinese to keep Hillary's "yoga routines" out of the hands of the taxpayers?

More illegal executive actions to ban guns? The woman has vowed to overturn Heller, you know.

More liberal Justices? When I flipped to hardcore anti-Trump myself a few months back, it was due to Trump's horrifying poll numbers and the grim probability he'd lose and we'd get 3-5 liberal justices. Enough to seal the Republic's fate.

Well, flash forward two months, and Trump isn't doing too badly in the polls. He might even have a decent shot at winning. At yet the "Principled Conservatives" who ought to be the most concerned about gifting the Supreme Court to the liberals for the next sixty years are blowing the subject off like it's just a big lark.

Excuse me?

Please explain to me the continuing hardcore commitment to #NeverTrump.

Is it...

1. Disliking the fact that the Upper Middle College Educated Class controlled the party for decades, and made a sport of ignoring the Working Class, but now the Working Class has reasserted itself and taken over and the members of the displaced Upper Middle College Educated Class just can't stand not being in a poll position any longer?

2. Showing off to one's liberal comrades that one isn't One Of That Kind of Conservative? That is, Virtue Signalling?

3. Attempting to save one's professional reputation? I get this one myself -- someone asked me why I was so anti-Trump, and I said the man was so vulgar, stupid, and crass that he made it necessary to oppose him simply to preserve one's professional standing.

So I get that idea. I get that idea an awful lot.

But we happen to be talking about the Republic at this point.

One of two people will be president in January -- Hillary Rodham Clinton, a sociopath who was a corrupt politician even before she entered politics (remember Whitewater? Her $100,000 cattles future trading) or Donald Trump.

What is the fear, here? That Donald Trump might be nearly as bad as Hillary Clinton certainly will be?

Name one issue on which Hillary Clinton is superior to Trump. The most I ever here is "We don't know what Trump will do, he could be just as bad as Hillary."

Oh? He could be that bad?

Look, Drew asked a while ago: What makes obviously liberal-cultural-values Republicans actually Republicans, apart from habit?

Maybe it's time for the great re-sorting to begin. It's time for actual Democrats, who are most comfortable with Democrats, and feel the most affinity for Democrats, to make their party allegiance official and simply declare for Hillary Clinton and join the Democratic Party.

Because I cannot see any "conservative" continuing to say "Oh yeah, I want to expand Dear Colleague directives to college and put more men in kangaroo court trials for hoax rapes just to show those Trump people how little I think of their ilk."

Enough. Enough.

You don't have to get on Team Trump, and you don't have to love him. Trump did not suddenly become well-informed or virtuous simply because he won the nomination.

However, at the moment, he is the only plausible tool by which we can prevent President Hillary Clinton, and if that isn't enough to at least get you to bite your tongue or find some other interest (politics isn't especially interesting, you know; there are a thousand fields more interesting and rewarding), then you're not merely #NeverTrump, you're closer to #NeverReallyAConservative.

Believe me, if Trump tanks in the polls, or if some really terrible info comes out about him (which I think is fairly likely), I'll be the first guy explaining to the Trumpheads why we mustpull the bathtub drain on Trump to save the Republic.

But we're not at that moment.

And yet all around me I see people who are far too over-proud of their Upper Middle Class Background willing to elect Hillary Clinton just to prove they graduated (or at least attended) college.

Even on a day when the IG reveals that Hillary Clinton is a criminal, the Never Trumpers continue to Never Trump.

They're living in a bubble world made of their own spite and ego.

Reality is what it is. It's not always pretty and it's never ideal.

But the choice is between Hillary Clinton -- a ****ing psychopathic monster, liar, and caudilla-in-waiting -- and Donald Trump, a narcissistic buffoon.

Easy call.

Just put you ego to the side and remember this election isn't about your ego, it's about America and our shared future.

Is It Getting To Be About the Time When the #NeverTrumpers Should Go Radio Silent?
Trump, Romney, McCain etc. are RINO's. The only difference is that the establishment hates Trump. I see no reason why a Romney and McCain voter wouldn't support Trump.