What to do with the Clintons...


Blue Raider Legend
Gold Member
Jul 22, 2001
God's Country
Hillary, in particular...

Special Prosecutor?

Let the FBI and Congress continue the investigations (Email and Clinton Foundation)?

Should Obama 'pardon' HRC?

Should Trump 'pardon' HRC?

I feel the investigations by the FBI should continue, umimpeded by a Trump Justice Department and a new Attorney General. I do think Trump should ask for the resignation of Comey, who appears to be compromised by all the shenanigans under a Obama administration and distrusted by the agents in the field.

The Obama administration pretty much weaponized all the agencies in the federal government against conservatives and republicans the past eight years. I would favor a special prosecutor, separate from the Trump Justice department.

I do not believe a pardon should be offered at this time. I feel a pardon should only be something for consideration once guilt has been determined.

I have some difficulty with a pardon even at that point. But I supported a pardon for Nixon by Ford just to get watergate behind the nation. I don't think Nixon's 'crimes' rose to a fraction of those by Hillary or those of the entire Clinton family in regards to the Foundation and the pay for play issues or the misuse of funds that should have gone to the poor Haitians. I remember the Democrats howling for the hanging of Nixon when Ford issued the pardon to RMN.

And, I have to wonder if the circumstances were completely reversed, what would a President Hillary would do. I think we all know the answer, given her vile and vindictive nature.
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I think at this point you let it go The Clinton foundation is finished, no one is going to give them money anymore since they have nothing to offer.
I haven't read much analysis of the issue but I predict that Obama will not pardon her because he thinks the issue can be a wedge to divide the Republicans at the outset of the Trump administration, and he's probably right about that. I hope the Rs and conservatives in general keep their eyes focused on the bigger policy issues that have to get implemented. If the big stuff is done, I would be willing to let the Clinton legal issues fade into history.

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