Sen. Ted Cruz at the Iowa Freedom Summit

Flash, thanks for posting the link of Cruz's speech. I watched a couple of speeches during the Summit (Palin and Huckabee) but missed the speech Cruz gave. I'll give that a listen tonight. Thanks again, my friend.

Originally posted by nashvillegoldenflash:

We do not accept losing this country.
Together we will reignite the Miracle of America! We will together bring back that "Shining City on a Hill" that is the United States of America! --Sen. Ted Cruz
Flash, I was able to finally listen to Cruz's speech. I thought it was tremendously inspiring and motivating! Did you see and hear the standing ovations he got?

I have no doubts that Cruz will run. His biggest challenge will be raising enough money to get his name and his message out there. Iowa was a good place to start as their caucus will be the launching pad for the 2016 presidential campaign.

Anyway, thanks for sharing the video clip, my friend.