School tries to ban Jesus painting


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006

Liberals, especially those that work in the world of academia, seem to have a hard time grasping the concept of religious liberty and the true meaning of the separation of church and state.

Fortunately, there are still some common sense Americans left in the country who understand what the First Amendment is all about, and are taking a stand to protect freedom of religion in schools.

From TheBlaze:
Nearly a year after an Ohio school board voted to remove a painting of Jesus Christ that was hanging in a high school for decades, local residents took action to ensure that the spirit of the image won't be forgotten.

The debate over the image, which had hung inside the main office at John Glenn High School in New Concord, Ohio, since 1971 in memory of former teacher Margaret Barnett, began when a student and the American Civil Liberties Union jointly asked that it be taken down; the district complied.

Allison Whaley, a senior at the time, was reportedly frustrated after the school removed an art class project that included a T-shirt with the words "Gay is Okay." So, she responded by asking that the painting be removed, with the ACLU threatening a lawsuit over it, reported the Columbus Dispatch. Residents who revered the image, which is now on display at a local church, responded to the removal by raising money to come up with a symbol that could replace it on nearby private property, according to the Zanesville Times-Recorder.

And months later a new sign was installed atop a white column last week on the property of Terry and Cathy Hodgson, two locals who have been involved in plans to find a solution to the removal.

It reads, "The Lord is my Shepherd," with the verse these words are derived from -- "Psalm 23" -- printed on its side.

"I went to that school and graduated from that school," Cathy Hodgson told the outlet of her motivation to help. "I really felt very good about it. I was proud to do it."



Whether progressives like it or not, this nation was founded on Christian principles, and it was a culture wide adherence to these ideals that enabled America to achieve unbelievable heights of success. You don't have to take my word for that, as de Tocqueville and many other historians around back in the 1700s say the same thing.

The continuous assault on the First Amendment by educational institutions is proof positive that whenever the government has a pervasive presence in something personal liberties and rights soon start to erode.

Americans need to stand boldly and demand the decentralization of education so that local communities and parents can take control of what content and values their children are taught, and egregious violations of religious freedom can be avoided.
BBJ, I grew up about 20 minutes from John Glenn High School, located in New Concord, Ohio. Despite the decision to remove the painting from the school, Christians everywhere can take heart in knowing there are still some people who are willing to fight for religious freedom.

School tries to ban Jesus painting
Flash, you are correct in that our Constitution guarantees freedom OF religion--not freedom FROM religion. Unfortunately, liberals wish to impose their Godless views on the rest of society and take away our freedoms. Again, I believe our country's biggest problem is a spiritual one. We are turning our backs on God Almighty and will pay the price.

Thanks for posting that, my friend.