Radio post-game last night


Hall of Famer
Jul 26, 2005
I usually listen to the post game while driving home from The Murph but last night WMOT was playing music (I assume they had the women's game on earlier) and WGNS had girls' sub-state games on. I guess it was on one of the Nashville sports stations but not living in The Boro I had no idea where to look for the broadcast.

I feel sure Chip had all Srs. on the postgame (IIRC that's been done before) and I would love to hear Davis' comments. If anyone has the ability to download/link to last night's postgame it would be greatly appreciated.
I've checked and cannot find a podcast of the game or post-game. On the WGNS podcast the recording stops at the end of the game. Hopefully someone can find a way to hear the post-game from last night.
Brother I've disappointed where to tune into men's basketball all season.

I either get the women's game or something else.

I end up streaming it and forgoing the radio.
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Can't stream it in my car when driving home after the game. Don't have the knowledge or ability to do that.