President Ted Cruz? He's "looking at it very seriously"


All American
Jul 9, 2010
President Ted Cruz? He's 'looking at it very seriously'

Posted: 01/13/2015, 12:33pm | Chad Merda[/URL]

mailto:?subject=President Ted Cruz?...president-ted-cruz-says-hes-looking-seriously

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) | Alex Wong/Getty Images

All signs are pointing to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush launching a 2016 presidential bid. The same goes for 2012 nominee Mitt Romney. And now, Sen. Ted Cruz?

The Republican from Texas said he's not shying away from entering what looks to be a crowded field.

"Well, I think everyone is looking at the race right now," he said on Fox & Friends. "I can tell ya, I've been receiving a lot of encouragement, a lot of support, and I'm looking at it very seriously."

On Monday, former Sen. Rick Santorum said Cruz, along with other potential GOP contenders are nothing more than "bomb throwers" with few achievements.

Cruz said the race comes down to one issue: "Who is standing up and leading?"

"Well look, there may be people that throw attacks," Cruz said. "I think Rick Santorum is a good man, and he's entitled to express his views."
This post was edited on 1/13 2:49 PM by bigbadjohn45
I'm more than a little disappointed in Santorum referring to Cruz as "a bomb thrower." I guess standing up for the truth, the Constitution, and the American people is considered to be "a bomb thrower" according to the former Senator? What a shame. You'd think Santorum could do better than that.
BBJ, I agree with you. As we all know, Republicans will often disappoint us. And to think I voted for Santorum in the 2012 Presidential primary. I realize this should be no surprise, but did you hear that RINO Bob Corker is pushing for a 12 cent federal gas tax increase. Pathetic!!!
Originally posted by nashvillegoldenflash:
BBJ, I agree with you. As we all know, Republicans will often disappoint us. And to think I voted for Santorum in the 2012 Presidential primary. I realize this should be no surprise, but did you hear that RINO Bob Corker is pushing for a 12 cent federal gas tax increase. Pathetic!!!
Yes, I also voted for Santorum in 2012 and am surprised at his remarks.

At any rate, I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but have you noticed that the Democrats, the media (sorry, I just repeated myself), and the RINO's are ratcheting up their criticism of Cruz--slowly but surely? This tells me something. It tells me that they already recognize his prowess and ability to communicate conservatism--which threatens them. They'll always let you know who they fear the most. They're scared to death of Cruz, Flash. The war has begun.

In fact, here's an excerpt from entitled:

We Have a GOP Leadership Uncomfortable with Reagan Conservatism January 12, 2015

RUSH: Hey, just one more thing about that, too, folks. How many times have we heard Republican establishment people say, "The era of Reagan is over"? How many people have we heard say, "We gotta move on. We can't think about Reagan anymore. That's a trap. The days of Reagan are the old days. We gotta move on." You ever hear the Democrats say, "We gotta move on from FDR. We gotta move on from LBJ. We gotta move on from the Great Society. We gotta move on from the War on Poverty"? You never her 'em say that. They never denigrate their own like that.

And, I'm telling you, when you say "the era of Reagan is over" and we gotta move on from Reagan, you don't need me around to get people mad about that. They're fully capable of it on their own. And then when you add to that how many Republicans in the Senate run around impugning Ted Cruz -- do you know how many people in the Republican base would love to see him elected president? And they know it, and that's why they're running around running Ted Cruz down. When's the last time you heard Democrats run down Elizabeth Warren? My only point is, it doesn't take me or anybody else on the radio or TV to get people mad at the Republican establishment. They are handling that all on their own.

Now, one thing, we have a story here from our buddies at NewsBusters in 2013. This is Brent Bozell's website that monitors what happens out there in the Drive-By Media and reports on it for people interested. I didn't see this, 'cause I don't watch the Sunday shows... James Carville was on This Week, and he said Ted Cruz is the most talented and fearless Republican politician he has seen in 30 years.

Carville said, "I think Ted Cruz is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I've seen in the last 30 years. I further think that he's gonna run for president, and he's gonna create something. I'm not sitting here saying he's going to win, and I think Senator DeMint is right. I've listened to excerpts of his speech in South Carolina. Ted Cruz touches every button, and this guy has no fear. He just keeps plowing ahead and he's gonna be something to watch."

Now, the bit about Cruz being fearless, do not doubt that, and do not diminish the importance of that, particularly as Carville notes it here. They will always tell us one way or the other who they are worried about. Carville wasn't finished. He said, "And a lot of Republicans feel this way, George, and you hear this a lot: 'If we only got someone who was articulate and was for what we were for, we would win elections. And we get these John McCains and these Mitt Romneys and these squishy guys that can’t do anything.' Well, there’s one thing this guy is not -- he ain’t squishy, not in the least."

Now, Carville is in a polling unit with Stan Greenberg, and part of what Carville does is to try to keep his finger on the pulse, primarily to help Democrats deal with it. Now, I happen to know that everything he says here is accurate about Ted Cruz. I don't know whether he's got it in his own polling data, but what I'm assuring you of here, he's not making it up. There are a lot of Republicans who are craving leadership right now. You know how many Republican conservatives there are in this country who would just kill for a candidate who could articulate conservatism the same way they do it?

I said last week, and I'm gonna repeat it here again, if such a candidate came along, a leadership, elected politician, elected office type politician, not a commentator, not a pundit, not a radio or TV person. I'm talking about somebody in elective politics who can come along and can articulate conservatism as the average American understands it, this guy could win in a landslide.

These people have been waiting for years for somebody to come along and simply say what they already know to be true, somebody to simply articulate what they already think and what they already feel. And they resent being told that what they think and what they feel is extremist and dangerous and is tiny, minority, and so forth. Because they aren't. They are the backbone of America. They are the ones that make America work. They're the ones that are totally invested in saving this country as founded. And they have nobody in elected politics who talks like they believe. They have nobody saying things they believe in. And the candidates that come the closest to it always get their universal support.

This is what Carville's afraid of, and make no mistake about this that Carville is concerned. He said that Ted Cruz is the most fearless Republican since Reagan. You can look it up. You can see it on YouTube. He was on "This Week Needs Brinkley, and he knows. They all know, folks. They all know. All these liberal Democrats know they are a minority. They all know. That's why they work so consistently to destroy their opposition in image and perception. They have to get people voting against their opposition because they're never gonna win if all that's happening is people voting for them. There aren't enough of those.

Liberalism is still a minority viewpoint in this country. You just don't know it because the media and pop culture is all liberal. But the Drive-By Media, the pop culture, music, TV, books, they're not writing and talking and doing TV shows about average, ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things every day. They don't make the news. They don't star in TV shows. They don't record songs. They don't write books. But everybody knows they're there, and that's why they are the constant targets of ridicule and impugn and destruction. And Ted Cruz has been the target of more of this than anybody in elective politics in a long time, and he has not wavered from it at all and that is respected.

But if it's not Cruz, if it could be somebody else, somebody that comes along and can simply articulate with passion and all the usual good cheer -- and by that everybody means optimism -- of the things people already in this country believe. Obama doesn't do it. People in this country don't believe what Obama's selling. They might have in 2008. They don't anymore. The only thing the Democrats can do is destroy the people they fear. All they can do is impugn the philosophies that they fear. They can't survive a debate in the arena of ideas, and they can't survive an election where, if everybody had to be voting only for something -- this election that just happened was a total anti-Democrat Party, anti-Barack Obama vote.

There's not a Republican leader out there people were voting for. Not yet. There wasn't a Republican agenda people were voting for, because the Republicans didn't have one. Now, as I say, individual Republican candidates did, running for the Senate, running against Obamacare, but once again it was against Obama. This election was clearly totally anti, of the people who showed up totally anti. Now, I know it was not a presidential turnout and, as such, the Democrat presidential turnout base didn't show up in as great a number as they always do. Doesn't matter to me. This can happen during a presidential year. I know all these people are gonna line up and tell you it can't, "Well, Rush, you look at the Electoral College, we lost New York, we lost California, we lose Texas, it's over, Rush, it doesn't matter."

That's what they want you to believe, that it doesn't matter. They don't want you even worrying about voting. They want you thinking it's hopeless. They want you thinking you don't have a prayer, the Republicans don't have a prayer, the deck is too stacked against you, the media, you'll never overcome the media, Hollywood, you'll never overcome Hollywood. They want you pessimistic about this. That's why anybody that comes along who shows any promise at articulating conservatism in any way that's infectious, they set out and try to destroy and impugn, media people included in this one, not just people in elective politics.

They have to. That's the first order of business for them. Now they've got Republicans believing that the only way they can win is to do what? Do what Obama's doing, grant amnesty to Hispanics? Really? That's not what people in this country are clamoring for. The Republicans are gonna win by siphoning off some Hispanic votes from Obama here and some African-American votes from the Democrats over there and some women votes and whoever over there. Suicide mission. Absolute suicide mission, yet that is what it appears to be the believed-in stratagem of the Republican leadership.


RUSH: I also had somebody send me a note saying, "Hey, Rush, those four million Republicans that sat home in 2012, I don't know how many of 'em it is, but I talked to a bunch of people who thought the election was in the bag, and that's why they didn't vote. They thought Romney was gonna win in a landslide, and they didn't bother showing up to vote."

I've not heard any analysis of the electorate that stayed home in terms of that, a percentage reflecting that point of view. I suppose it could be true some. But I don't know too many people who wanted to take the chance. To some people, though, you know, to some people, voting is hard. You have to get up and go there, you stand in line. If you haven't registered you have to do that. You have to deal with people like at the DMV. To some people it's just too big a hassle. Don't doubt me on this.


Related Links

NewsBusters: Carville: "Ted Cruz Is the Most Talented and Fearless Republican Politician I’ve Seen in 30 Years" -May 5, 2013

This post was edited on 1/14 10:03 AM by bigbadjohn45
"Well look, there may be people that throw attacks," Cruz said. "I think Rick Santorum is a good man, and he's entitled to express his views."
BBJ, let me point out that Cruz has the same demeanor as Ronald Reagan. Instead of getting angry at Santorum after what he said about him, Cruz calmly states that Santorum is "a good man" and "he's entitled to express his views." If you recall, Reagan never let the biased media or liberals get to him. He would simply smile and say something like, "well, there you go again." That is one reason why so many people liked Reagan. Cruz knows that he is going to be criticized by the left and by fellow Republicans who are not as principled as he is so he understands he needs to handle the criticism tactfully and with grace. Most alums of Princeton and Harvard are pompous but Cruz is humble, even though he graduated from both schools. I believe his spirituality has a lot to do with his humbleness but also how he was raised by his father, Rev. Rafael Cruz. I am like you, I adore Ted Cruz and believe he is the real deal. I honestly don't understand why more people don't like him.
Originally posted by nashvillegoldenflash:

"Well look, there may be people that throw attacks," Cruz said. "I think Rick Santorum is a good man, and he's entitled to express his views."
BBJ, let me point out that Cruz has the same demeanor as Ronald Reagan. Instead of getting angry at Santorum after what he said about him, Cruz calmly states that Santorum is "a good man" and "he's entitled to express his views." If you recall, Reagan never let the biased media or liberals get to him. He would simply smile and say something like, "well, there you go again." That is one reason why so many people liked Reagan. Cruz knows that he is going to be criticized by the left and by fellow Republicans who are not as principled as he is so he understands he needs to handle the criticism tactfully and with grace. Most alums of Princeton and Harvard are pompous but Cruz is humble, even though he graduated from both schools. I believe his spirituality has a lot to do with his humbleness but also how he was raised by his father, Rev. Rafael Cruz. I am like you, I adore Ted Cruz and believe he is the real deal. I honestly don't understand why more people don't like him.
Flash, if Cruz runs (and I believe he will), people will find out about him very quickly in the debates this fall. The cream will rise to the top and people will take notice of him.
I'm not happy, I was all for Cruz until I found out he is for adding a ton of H1B visas, that is a huge deal breaker for me. I refuse to vote for anyone who wants to add H1Bs to our already horrible economy. Still need to do some research to verify this before I jump off his bandwagon, I sure hope it is not true.
Originally posted by Predarat:
I'm not happy, I was all for Cruz until I found out he is for adding a ton of H1B visas, that is a huge deal breaker for me. I refuse to vote for anyone who wants to add H1Bs to our already horrible economy. Still need to do some research to verify this before I jump off his bandwagon, I sure hope it is not true.
I agree with Cruz on this issue. You can walk into the engineering department of any American university and find mostly Asian students. Given that math and science are the strengths of Asians, I would expect to see mostly Asian students in the engineering departments at MIT or Berkeley but I was amazed when I visited the Engineering Department at Ole Miss and only found Asian students on the day that I was there. This was back in the early 90s when I was a sales engineer and trying to find information on a particular machine that measures nail pull resistance. Although communication was a little difficult, I was able to get all the information that I was looking for from the Asian engineering graduate students. After that experience, I soon became aware of the predominance of Asians in American engineering schools. Considering how far America has fallen from its place as a leader in math and science, it is no wonder why we are seeing so many more Asians receiving advanced degrees in our universities.

With an inadequate amount of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) workers in the U.S., Cruz realizes the need to keep foreign nationals who receive an advanced degree in a STEM field from an American university in the country to benefit from their training and experience.

"I strongly support legal immigration. Legal immigration is a fundamental pillar of our nation's heritage, and I was pleased today to offer legislation that would have improved and expanded legal immigration by dramatically increasing the cap for high-tech temporary worker visas. This amendment would not only improve the current system, but would also encourage economic growth and create new jobs in America. There is currently a serious shortage of workers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math, yet every year we send thousands of high-tech graduate students back to their home countries to start businesses and create jobs. This makes no sense. I'm disappointed in the committee's vote to reject expanding high-tech immigration. Although the Gang of Eight's bill makes a modest step towards improving high-tech immigration, it does not go nearly far enough. There is no reason to arbitrarily cap high-tech visas at 110,000 when these jobs are going unfilled. We need economic growth here and now."

Behind America's Decline in Math, Science and Tech
I think its a bunch of bullshit myself, a bunch of greedy suits abusing this for cheap labour. Oh well I will find another candidate that is pro American worker. So disappointment in Cruz, I though he was.
Predarat, according to the Joint Economic Committee, between 2010 and 2020, demand for STEM graduates is expected to grow by 17 percent, while employment for those graduates will increase only 14 percent. This is mostly due to the fact that American graduates are not available or qualified to fill these jobs because over the last 20 years, the American education system has been so badly subverted and dumbed down by liberals. Do you honestly believe American companies should hire graduates of our failed education system so that the unqualified graduates can further slow down the nation's recovery to prosperity?
Originally posted by Predarat:
I think its a bunch of bullshit myself, a bunch of greedy suits abusing this for cheap labour. Oh well I will find another candidate that is pro American worker. So disappointment in Cruz, I though he was.
Well, I work for a software company, we can find enough qualified, DEPENDABLE engineers.

I am pro (hardworking) american worker. But in general the programmers we bring in are more productive.

Its just not as simple as you make it. Cruz is not your enemy.
Originally posted by Blueraider_Mike:

Originally posted by Predarat:
I think its a bunch of bullshit myself, a bunch of greedy suits abusing this for cheap labour. Oh well I will find another candidate that is pro American worker. So disappointment in Cruz, I though he was.
Well, I work for a software company, we can find enough qualified, DEPENDABLE engineers.

I am pro (hardworking) american worker. But in general the programmers we bring in are more productive.

Its just not as simple as you make it. Cruz is not your enemy.
I do too, and I have seen it for my self, my co workers, former coworkers, fellow grads ect have all suffered because of excessive h1bs. So if he wants to increase them, and put more of us out of work, he is my enemy and until he changes his stance on this has a 0% change of getting my support or vote. These are good, smart, knowledgeable people and totally qualified to do the jobs they were displaced by a foreign worker. They should be working IT jobs, and not Walmart, Sams, Nissan factory and other places like that. Hell around the Nashville area it is very rare to be able to jump in to a full time job without having to go through a temp/contract period even if you have another full time job. So we need to bet American Workers back to work, and back in their proper place before we even consider upping foreign labor.
Originally posted by nashvillegoldenflash:
Predarat, according to the Joint Economic Committee, between 2010 and 2020, demand for STEM graduates is expected to grow by 17 percent, while employment for those graduates will increase only 14 percent. This is mostly due to the fact that American graduates are not available or qualified to fill these jobs because over the last 20 years, the American education system has been so badly subverted and dumbed down by liberals. Do you honestly believe American companies should hire graduates of our failed education system so that the unqualified graduates can further slow down the nation's recovery to prosperity?
Part of the reason no American Born person wants to go through a STEM program is because once they get that degree they will be cooking burgers and fries. Who the hell wants to bust their ass for 4-5 years to get a STEM degree just to be sent to a minimum wage jobs because companies will not hire you because they want cheap foreign labor? Hell I have even discouraged people myself from getting a degree like that. Yes our education system is crap, and over run by dumb liberals who want to indoctrinate the three Ss (Sex, Socialism and Sensitivity) instead of the three Rs. But there are still plenty of qualified American workers to fill those positions instead of being sent to soup lines.
Originally posted by Predarat:
I think its a bunch of bullshit myself, a bunch of greedy suits abusing this for cheap labour. Oh well I will find another candidate that is pro American worker. So disappointment in Cruz, I though he was.

This is news to me. Ted Cruz is one of the good guys. But now you're tearing him down. Is there ANYONE who passes your litmus test?

The problem is not with someone who does not agree 110% with your ideology. The problem is with the Obama tyrants. Any steps away from their big government totalitarian impulses is a step in the right direction. Do we agree on that, or not?

I don't necessarily disagree with you. But really, you need to choose your battles wisely. Is the Ted Cruz mountain the hill on which you make your last stand? Are you willing to die to defeat Cruz because he is not a perfect conservative?

We need to oppose the dictators who are eviscerating the Constitution! Not everyone agrees on the same game plan, but we all agree that the Left has taken hold, and must be evicted.

So what if someone doesn't pass your smell test. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We can sort out the details later.