Majority of Americans "all lied out" to believe anything Obama says


Blue Raider Legend
Gold Member
Jul 22, 2001
God's Country
and that more than anyone scandal explains the collapse of obama in polls.


...So what is collapsing the presidency of the once mellifluous Obama?
It is not the IRS, AP, VA, or NSA scandals. Nor did the nation
especially fault him for Benghazi or the complete collapse of U.S.
foreign policy, from failed reset to a Middle East afire. In each case,
he either blamed Bush or denied there was a smidgeon of wrongdoing on
his part.

Certainly, the stampede at the border, as disastrous as it was, did
not ipso facto sink Obama's ratings. Ditto the embarrassing Bergdahl
deal, in which we traded a likely deserter for five Islamist kingpins.
Was it the ISIS ascendance that is leading to genocide and a nascent
caliphate? Not in and of itself.

We could go on, but you get the picture that it was all of the above
that finally became too much, as Americans turned Obama off because they
were all lied out. In all of these scandals a charismatic Barack
wheeled out the teleprompter, smiled, dropped his g's, soared with "make
no mistake about it" and "let me perfectly clear," .....

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