So that's two. At Marshall, at Kansas. By then KSU will be in so I do wonder if we will stick with 8 conference games or go 9 in a round robin. Guess we will find out next year.
Last time we had anything to do with Kansas has to have been when they came in for a Sunday men’s basketball game and slapped us around a bit during the Weil years.
So we net what, $825-850k? Bus to Nashville and flight I'm guessing, then rental of bus to Lawerence. Plus fuel/labor for equipment truck.

Makes Colgate's amount look even worse since they are even farther away than we are.
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So we net what, $825-850k? Bus to Nashville and flight I'm guessing, then rental of bus to Lawerence. Plus fuel/labor for equipment truck.

Makes Colgate's amount look even worse since they are even farther away than we are.
I was surprised that 4 seasons from this point that a G5 going to a P5 doesn't rate a 7 figure payday. I know it is kansas, but 4 more years of near double digit inflation really makes this a bargain basement deal. Were there better 'payday' games available? Did MT sell itself cheap?
I was surprised that 4 seasons from this point that a G5 going to a P5 doesn't rate a 7 figure payday. I know it is kansas, but 4 more years of near double digit inflation really makes this a bargain basement deal. Were there better 'payday' games available? Did MT sell itself cheap?
MT sold it's self cheap unless travel is included in a separate line item.
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Even if travel was included that is entirely too cheap. FCS games for P5 are usually in the 400-500k range so Colgates is about where it should be. Most G5 games for P5 are usually between 1.2-1.5 million now days. We are 100% going to play another P5 game in 2026 based off that 925k alone.
Even if travel was included that is entirely too cheap. FCS games for P5 are usually in the 400-500k range so Colgates is about where it should be. Most G5 games for P5 are usually between 1.2-1.5 million now days. We are 100% going to play another P5 game in 2026 based off that 925k alone.
Plus, they stole our future QB! That should count for something!!