Happy July 4th


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
Consider this the palate cleanser of all palate cleansers after a week in which millions confused government diktats for liberty. Our friends at Hillsdale College offer this stirring and lovely version of America the Beautiful from the Hillsdale College Choir, in an inspirational video released this week. The song, first written as a poem 102 years ago, often comes up as a possible replacement for the Star Spangled Banner as the national anthem, and occasionally gets sung in its place at public events. The poem/lyrics present America as an aspirational nation, one striving to be, as Ronald Reagan put it, the “city on the hill” as we march toward the perfection of liberty and goodness.

This week, the march seems a little longer, but we struggle onward — perhaps with this ringing in our ears:

This particular verse seems relevant at the moment:

O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern impassion’d stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

Our body politic lacks plenty of self-control these days on all sides, but the last line is key. The only way to confirm liberty is to rely on the rule of law, not the rule of whim. When courts take it upon themselves to redefine the constitution based on the prevailing cultural whims rather than have legislatures address the law to conform to democratic self-government, we have begun marching down the latter road toward autocracy. When government officials levy ruinous fines over wedding cakes based on their own personal vindictiveness, we are walking back toward the “swarms of Officers [sent] to harass our people, and eat out their substance” noted in the Declaration of Independence. Our recourse is in the rule of law created by a self-governing free people, even though that does seem at times to be a nearly impossible goal.

That does not mean our best days are behind us. It just means that our hard work remains, as it always has, ahead of us. In the meantime, we’ll fly the banner of the free and remember why we sought independence from far-flung autocrats in the first place.

BBJ, wishing you and your family a safe and happy Republican Holiday!
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BBJ, if this isn't further proof that July 4th is a Republican holiday, I don't know what is.

Obama’s Proposed Ozone Regulations Would Ban 4th of July Celebrations

Guns aren’t the only thing liberals want to ban. If Obama gets his way, the new ozone standard proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency would ban fireworks shows, backyard grilling and other Independence Day traditions.

From Daily Caller:

Because the proposed ozone rule is set so low, things as harmless as a few backyard chefs grilling burgers in the same area at the same time, or even festive fireworks being launched during an Independence Day celebration, could cause an area to violate federal ozone standard thresholds. Such a violation of the EPA’s unreasonably low ozone limit would result in fines and other penalties for local governments from federal regulators.

In an attempt to steer clear of punishment, local lawmakers will have to respond to the new EPA rules by enacting municipal grilling bans and canceling fireworks shows from sea to shining sea.

Outlandish environmental regulations are nothing new for Obama’s EPA, but the proposed ozone limit is likely the most costly and oppressive regulation yet. Besides ending Independence Day as we know it in many places, the lower ozone limit would stall construction projects and prevent job-creating manufacturing facilities from being built in hundreds of cities across the United States.

A study released by the National Association of Manufacturers showed the EPA’s new ozone standard would be “the most expensive regulation ever enacted.” It is estimated to cost the economy $140 billion annually. The new regulation would increase the price of nearly all goods and services sold in the America, which would cost families hundreds of dollars each year. And ultimately, the stricter ozone standard is expected to have virtually no impact on improving air quality.

So let’s celebrate Independence Day…. while we still can.

BBJ, I guess the flag waving holiday is too patriotic for most liberals and libertarians. Perhaps it can be replaced with Gay Day. Don't you know they would just love that.