Cruz Slams ICE Director


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
Sen. Ted Cruz is a man known for standing on his principles and not backing down on what he knows to be true, and the way he manhandled Immigration and Customs Enforcement further cements that reputation.

Cruz recently roasted ICE Director Sarah Saldana and President Obama during a rather fiery Senate Judiciary hearing about immigration policy.

Pop some popcorn and grab a Coke, because this is oh so good.

From BizPacReview:

During a heated Senate Judiciary hearing on immigration policy Tuesday, ICE director Sarah Saldana took issue with Cruz’s claim that her agency released 104,000 criminal illegal aliens in 2013 but the 2016 Republican presidential hopeful set her straight.

“When I asked you how many criminals ICE released in 2013, you were off by a factor of three,” Cruz told her. “You said 30,000 — the correct answer is 104,000.”

Saldana tried to wiggle out of it by saying she thought Cruz was referring to 2014 when, she claimed, “only” 30,558 illegal alien criminals were released and that was “good news” because the number was down from 2013.

Cruz fired back that the claim was dubious.

“You’re omitting the 68,000 criminal illegal aliens that ICE did not begin deportation proceedings against at all,” Cruz said. “You’ve got to add both of those together — it’s over 100,000.”

“Yes sir, that’s absolutely right,” she acquiesced. “All done pursuant to this statute that Congress has outlined.”

Cruz finished off his time delivering a scathing and passionate speech demanding justice for those who have lost their lives or been victimized in some form by illegal immigrants.

“If you want to honor Josh (Wilkerson), if you want to honor Kate Steinle, start enforcing the law and stop releasing murderers, and rapists, and drunk drivers,” Cruz said. “I don’t want to hear from the Obama administration they’re sorry while they continue to do the exact same thing because what we know – more people will be murdered, more people will be raped, more people will be killed by drunk drivers because this Administration refuses to enforce the law. That is wrong. No man is above the law, and that includes President Obama.”

I’d say that totally deserves a round of slow clapping, wouldn’t you agree?

The very reason why we have victims right now is because of Obama’s failure to do his job and enforce the immigration laws we currently have on the books.

Families have lost loved ones because Democrats want to expand the voter base by giving illegals a free pass into the country, despite a huge chunk of those crossing the border being hardened criminals.

It’s not enough he wants to give them amnesty, but then we have the whole sanctuary city thing protecting these people once they actually get here, endangering the lives of American citizens.

Enough is enough.

America is a nation that believes in the concept of “the rule of law,” which means we expect everyone to respect our country’s laws, including folks who want to come here and make a better life for themselves.

Those who have no respect for immigration laws and processes, likely aren’t going to have respect for other laws and regulations either.

It’s time to secure the border, deport the illegals, and put an end to sanctuary cities. Like yesterday.
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Flash, thanks for posting that. There's no doubt that Ted Cruz is the man America needs right now as our next President.

Ted Cruz Destroys the ICE Director
July 22, 2015


RUSH: Yesterday in Washington on Capitol Hill there was a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration enforcement and the lack of it. The Immigration Customs Enforcement Director (that's ICE) Sarah Saldana, testified. During the Q&A, Senator Ted Cruz, who, by the way, if you are a member of the media, if you are a (I know this is redundant) liberal Democrat, if you are a low-information troll that lives on Twitter or Facebook, you do not ever want to get into a debate with Ted Cruz. You will be exposed as an idiot. See what I mean...

CRUZ: In the year 2013, how many criminal illegal aliens did the Obama administration release?

SALDANA: In '14 it was a little over 30,000.

CRUZ: How many murderers?

SALDANA: In that year, sir, I can't remember the number right now. But I know that we had the statistic that was said earlier, the four-year period from 2010 to 2014, that there were 121 persons who committed, uh, crimes afterwards. But I can't provide you the exact number.

CRUZ: How many rapists?

SALDANA: I am not sure right now. I'd have to pull that number.

CRUZ: How many drunk drivers?

SALDANA: Same answer. I can certainly break that down for you. And, in fact, I think we're going to working on that right now. It's been requested before.

CRUZ: Yesterday, how many murderers did the Obama administration release?

SALDANA: Now, Senator, I don't know the answer to that question.

RUSH: (chuckling) Is this not incredible? As an American who follows the law and respects the law... She's not even fazed by this. She can't tell us how many criminals Obama's released yesterday, she doesn't know how many the day before, last year? He's not asking her how many people have you released from prison. He said, "How many murderers have you let go?" "Well, let's see, Senator. I think somewhere between one and 20."

"How many rapists?" "I don't know. I think it's about..." She's not even taking the time to say she's offended by this. She's not even bothering to get worked up by it. "Well, I don't know, murderers, I'll look it up for you, Senator. Rapists, same thing. Now, the number of murderers released yesterday? (snorts) Come on, Senator! I don't know the answer to that question. Frankly, Senator, I don't care. Don't you get that, Senator? We don't care how many murderers we let loose." That's the attitude she's conveying here.

So Cruz then said this...

CRUZ: I want to note that your testimony, when I ask you how many criminals ICE released in 2013, you were off by a factor of three. You said 30,000. The correct answer is 104,000. There were 68,000 criminal illegal aliens that ICE declined to begin deportation proceedings against. In addition to that, there were 36,000 in deportation proceedings with criminal convictions that the Obama administration released. And I would note that among those were 193 murderers with homicide convictions, were 426 people with sexual assault convictions, were over 16,000 criminal illegal aliens with drunk driving convictions released by this administration because this administration refuses to follow the law.

RUSH: And this exchange then followed.

SALDANA: You asked me, I thought, about 2014. That is 30,558. And the good news is at least that went down from 2013, when it was 36,007.

CRUZ: But you're omitting the 68,000 criminal illegal aliens that ICE did not begin deportation proceedings against at all, and you gotta add both of those together. It's over a hundred thousand.

SALDANA: Y-yes, sir. That's absolutely right.

RUSH: "Yes, sir, you're absolutely right. We've released over a hundred thousand murderers, rapists, purse snatchers, muggers, criminals. So, what's your point, Senator, huh? What's the big deal, Senator?" is the attitude. "So what?" I wonder if she'd a got upset if he had asked her, "How many registered Democrats were released among this pool of prisoners?" That might have ticked her off. She might have got a rise out of that. "Can you tell me, Madam Director, how many registered Democrats were among the 100,000 murderers and rapists that you let go?" "Senator, you know that not one of these is a registered voter... yet."

So when it was all over, in closing, Cruz gave Cruz gave a passionate defense of the rule of law and puts this all squarely where it belongs.

CRUZ: In your opening statement here, you said after listening to the victim's family that you were so sorry for their losses. And yet the Obama administration keeps doing it. When I asked you how many murderers were released yesterday, you don't know. There is a reason the American people are upset. If President Obama had the courage of his convictions, he would come and look in the eyes of these men and women who've lost their sons, their daughters, their mothers, their sisters, their brothers, and the administration would stop releasing murderers and rapists. It is within your power to follow federal law, and this administration refuses to do so, and that is altogether unacceptable.

RUSH: It's unbelievable to me that this even needs to be said. It is also noteworthy to recognize that none of this made the Drive-By Media, or very little of it. An ICE director not only totally unaffected, but not even connected to the reality of what's going on here. It may as well just be statistics they're talking about, not real live human beings who have been convicted of horrendous crimes, who are being released to keep doing it! He takes it right back to where it belongs, and that is with Obama. Now, during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration enforcement (the same thing), Laura Wilkerson, the mother of an 18-year-old murder victim testified. Her name is Laura. This is what she said...

WILKERSON: My son's name was Joshua Wilkerson. On November 16 in 2010 he was beaten, strangled, tortured, 'til he died. He was tied up, thrown in a field, and set on fire. His killer, Hermilo Moralez, was brought here illegally by his illegal parents when he was 10 years old, so he fit the DREAM kid description. He was sentenced to life in prison, which means it will be 30 years before he's up for parole. He'll be a 49-year-old man who I don't expect to be deported, and I just hope he doesn't come to live in your city.

RUSH: She continued...

WILKERSON: This was our family's 9/11 terrorist attack by foreign invader. IT's gonna take another life lost by senator, congressman, the president, even another of today's heroes, someone from Hollywood before someone in a position moves on this. I thank you to Mr. Trump for getting a message out about the nation in two minutes that for 4-1/2 years solidly Maria Espinoza at the Remembrance Project and countless families like my own have been trying to say for five-to-six years. It feels good to be heard. Whether you love him or whether you don't, I felt heard.

RUSH: So of all the people that she could thank for doing anything related to what happened to her, it's Donald Trump. And people are asking themselves, "What is it about Trump?" It's not that hard to figure out. It just really isn't.


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