Kermit won here even in his worst years. CMD hasn't even broke .300 yet let alone .500. Let's start there first. Besides all of that, Nick hasn't beaten P5's on the regular or ever here. He hasn't taken down a no.2 seed in the Final Four Tourney so it's a pointless argument. Until he wins on this level and matches upsets like that, it is what it is. No bashing of CNM here. This is fact. However, he now has talent and could do something real this year. If he does, then he can start to build his own legacy here and then it's all good. If he doesn't win with this roster, then we truly know what we have.
CNM still has big shoes to fill and he hasn't even put his socks on yet. It's year 3. It's now or never. I think that's a fair statement.
Its funny you and MT01! think that I’m arguing for/against CKD or CNM by breaking down the last 7 seasons to answer a question someone asked about quality wins. I am stating that 7 big name wins in 5 seasons is not the same as MT01 claimed as 12 wins in 5 years- that’s all I’m arguing to be honest. Truly have no agenda other than providing objective data to reflect the truth about wins.