There will always be a place for G5 vs P4 games - not every P4 program wants to play 12 straight titanic matchups. Ohio State can do it. But what does someone like Ole Miss's program look like long term if they had to play 12 Ohio State's every season?
As for the G5 holding out for more dough - It's the prisoner's dilemma. If we hold out with our G5 buddies, we all win. But if one guy gives in, he gets the windfall and you get zilch. I highly doubt there's that much fanatic zeal in the G5 (and even FCS teams to this because they get those paycheck games too) to hold strong there.
I think the biggest road block to a revolution is our own administrators at the conference and school level. No one wants to be that administrator that says "hey, this might not be the best path for us". In the short term, it's surely going to lead to consolidation, angry alums, bad publicity, and pink slips for a whole lot of people on the college athletics gravy train.
I'm convinced it's inevitable that us middle tier program (not P4, but not FCS) end up in a middle tier of college football, I just don't know when or who will have the cojones to start it.