Ted Cruz is the Frontrunner for the Republican Nomination


All American
Jul 9, 2010
Ted Cruz Is The Frontrunner For The Republican Nomination

What happens when you combine establishment credentials with a true believer. posted on Nov. 3, 2014, at 11:11 a.m.

Katherine Miller BuzzFeed Staff posted November 3, 2014 12:11pm EST



Gary Cameron / Reuters

The next week will involve a lot of talking about the "wide open" contest for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, about the strong field, about whether the strong field is irretrievably damaged, about how there isn't a clear frontrunner.

This isn't true. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz - the true outsider, the tribune of the grassroots, the ruthless lawyer - is the clear frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

This is not trolling. This is serious. Conservatives vote in Republican primaries. And Cruz is really good at talking to conservatives.

Even his enemies will concede Cruz is smart. And his resume is strong - Princeton and Harvard Law School; success at the highest level of American law; serious jobs in federal and state government; and an underdog Senate victory in 2012. The strikes against Cruz as a Republican candidate usually run something like this: He doesn't poll well; the shutdown freaked people out; he can be grim; he's not well-regarded among Senate Republicans. Cruz, who quickly replaced Jim DeMint as the most hated man on Capitol Hill, has been underestimated for what is basically a credential: Even Republicans in Washington hate him.

Let's work through the rest of this like a geometric proof.

Yes, in the first big Iowa poll last month, Cruz trailed some other Republican contenders.

But more than a year before the Iowa caucuses, presidential polls are just tests of name recognition. And so they tell us one thing: The Democratic field is very closed; the Republican field is very open. That's it. Mitt Romney polls very well for that reason - high name recognition in a field of parity.

There's actually a much more important poll number out of Iowa, one that's much more telling about the voters there, and bodes better for Cruz than anyone else considering a run for president.

Check out, from this weekend's big Des Moines Register poll, the top reason voters say Joni Ernst is worth voting for:



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Des Moines Register / Via

No single issue has united Republicans more for five years now. No one - not Rand Paul, not Marco Rubio, certainly not Chris Christie, who expanded Medicaid under Obamacare - has fought Obamacare's implementation in a more demonstrated way than Cruz. Clearly, he shut down the government in a ridiculous, nonstarter effort to "defund" the law. On Sunday, Cruz told the Washington Post that Republicans should "pursue every means possible to repeal Obamacare." Merits of the shutdown past and reconciliation future aside, dismantling Obamacare has been the core issue of Cruz's political career - he ran on it in his Senate bid. This was his pitch in 2012: "I'm not running as a lawyer. I'm running as a fighter."

The portfolio has to go beyond Obamacare, though. And based on the speeches Cruz has been giving lately, here's the kind of pitch Cruz is probably going to make to conservatives: I will lower taxes, I will protect religious liberty, I will enforce immigration laws strictly, I will defend Israel, I will restore America's robust presence in the world.

Stumping for Republican Senate candidate David Perdue in October, he emphasized the Hobby Lobby case, the threat of ISIS, and immigration. He has a small library of failed legislative efforts to back these up. In on stage this year, he's gone hard defending Israel.

It all sounds like a lot of the conservative priorities right now. And presumably, these are not random choices.

"As Sun Tzu said, every battle is won before it is fought," he told Texas Monthly's Erica Grieder, who's written the best profiles of the senator. He was speaking of his litigation career, but he could have been talking politics. "It is won by choosing the terrain on which the battle is fought."

Then there's this, perhaps the most important thing, and something that may surprise reporters who find him stiff and distant: If you put Cruz on a stage and then on the ground in the middle of a bunch of Republican families, he is warm, funny, and sincere.

Cruz's dour image might actually play to his advantage a little, insofar as it dramatically manages your expectations. I was in Georgia last month, outside Savannah, watching Cruz campaign for Perdue. Here's what he opened with:

"You've seen the news about people jumping the fence at the White House - the guy who jumped over the eight-foot fence in front of the White House earlier this year. The Secret Service tries to run him down. They finally catch him, and they turn to him and say, 'I'm sorry, Mr. President, you've got two more years!'

This week, somebody again jumped over the fence. The Secret Service catches this one, too, and this time they say, 'I'm sorry, Hillary, not yet!'"

The laughter cut through the crowd - mostly families and older couples at a farm - and then turned to loud applause at the real punch line: "And not ever!"

It's, like, not a bad joke. He had others. He delivers them well. Ted Cruz can be funny.

The biggest applause of the afternoon, though, may have been for Cruz's bill to strip Americans who join ISIS of their U.S. citizenship.

"You want to know how radical and extreme the Democrats are? The Democrats stood up on the Senate floor and blocked that legislation," Cruz then said to a small gasp of a reaction.

"Jesus," one man said. Cruz left out the full details of the bill's outcome: He asked for the bill to be passed by unanimous consent, despite the complex legal issue of stripping citizenship. One senator, Mazie Hirono, objected on reasonable procedural grounds - the bill hadn't been considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

It sounded good in Georgia, though. And Cruz is good in this kind of setting.

He thanked person after person for coming to the event, intent and serious, posing for photos and talking to little kids like they were adults. And while Cruz kind of talks to reporters like a character in a 19th century novel - performative and clipped - his rapport with supporters is far more natural.

"I just wanted to shake the next president's hand!" one woman told Cruz after the event; a number of others offered similar sentiments.

Cruz radiated sincerity in Georgia, and complex mental gymnastics aren't involved to imagine it working in Sioux City, Iowa, or Spartanburg, South Carolina. He can fluidly shift from an emotional appeal to a one-liner and back. And if he exaggerates, if he leaves out critical details, if he turns the somewhat reasonable into the outrageous - well, Ted Cruz isn't running as a lawyer, he's running as a fighter. You can trust him to always fight for conservative principles. And conservatives are the ones voting in Republican primaries.

This post was edited on 11/4 9:57 AM by bigbadjohn45
BBJ, I like Ted Cruz just as much as you do but unfortunately not enough people think like you and me. Although I intend to vote for Cruz in the Tennessee Republican primary, I don't believe he will win the nomination. I have talked to other people about Cruz and most of them seem to think he is "too extreme". At least one person I talked to said he liked him but I'm afraid he is in the minority. It's really too bad because Cruz seems to be the best conservative since Ronald Reagan.
Originally posted by nashvillegoldenflash:
BBJ, I like Ted Cruz just as much as you do but unfortunately not enough people think like you and me. Although I intend to vote for Cruz in the Tennessee Republican primary, I don't believe he will win the nomination. I have talked to other people about Cruz and most of them seem to think he is "too extreme". At least one person I talked to said he liked him but I'm afraid he is in the minority. It's really too bad because Cruz seems to be the best conservative since Ronald Reagan.
Flash, keep in mind the whole process hasn't even begun yet. Most people don't even know who he is unless you happen to live in Texas, and even then many of those could care less. These are the times we live in. Give it some time and let's see what happens. Remember, hardly anyone knew who Bill Clinton was and he wound up winning two terms. Keep the faith, my friend.
The establishment will allow Cruz to whet the appetite of the base but no more.
Originally posted by Blueraider_Mike:
Reagan was too extreme and different. Cruz can win if conservatives vote.
Mike, I'm sure you, like Flash, have heard Cruz give a speech and also speak "off the cuff." The man is an extremely gifted communicator (unlike Rick Perry) and can articulate conservatism as well as anyone I've heard (including Rush Limbaugh). As I mentioned to Flash, we haven't even finished the Midterm Elections yet or begun the Presidential Primaries. A lot can still happen. I pray that Ted Cruz will somehow become our next President. Wouldn't that be something?
BBJ, nothing could be better for our country than having Ted Cruz as our president. Without a doubt, he has the best credentials of all the candidates. But everyone knows how badly the media has demonized the Tea Party. I'm afraid only Dr. Ben Carson could escape the wrath of the media because he is a minority and does not fit the media's portrayal of the Tea Party as a racist and intolerant movement. Of course Tea Party members know that TEA in Tea Party means "taxed enough already" but thanks to the biased media, many people associate the Tea Party with extremists. Sad but true. No matter how the nomination turns out, I have to agree with Dr. Ben Carson who said,

"People in the Republican Party need to recognize whoever wins the primary needs to be supported, Whether you like them completely, or not, you cannot say 'I am taking the marbles and going home.' That is what has been happening over the past elections and is why conservatives and people with common sense lose. We need to remember that we must elect people into office that might agree with us 80 percent of the time rather than having someone in office that disagrees with you nearly 100 percent of the time."

Where have you heard this before? Brilliant minds think alike.

Ben Carson
Flash, forget the media. they'll never change. It's a given they hate Cruz or any other conservative. It's encoded in their DNA to hate us. I say full steam ahead for Cruz. I hope he runs and let the chips fall where they may. America is in desperate need of a man like him.
People in the Republican Party need to recognize whoever wins the primary needs to be supported, Whether you like them completely, or not, you cannot say 'I am taking the marbles and going home.' That is what has been happening over the past elections and is why conservatives and people with common sense lose. We need to remember that we must elect people into office that might agree with us 80 percent of the time rather than having someone in office that disagrees with you nearly 100 percent of the time."

Where have you heard this before? Brilliant minds think alike.

I'd like to amen that, brother! You're preaching to the choir!
I wish Cruz was a governor. As much as I like his positions, not sure Senators make the best President.

I still like him, I think Scott Walker is my first choice.
Mike, I also like Scott Walker but the warrior in me tends to like fighters like Ted Cruz and Col. Alan West. But certainly Gov. Walker has taken on the union in Wisconsin and won so he is not one to back down from a fight. I realize many people don't appreciate Cruz for his combative style but given the viciousness of the left, we need fighters and not cream puffs like Romney and McCain.

Ted Cruz Threatens to Force Senate Vote
Originally posted by nashvillegoldenflash:

Mike, I also like Scott Walker but the warrior in me tends to like fighters like Ted Cruz and Col. Alan West. But certainly Gov. Walker has taken on the union in Wisconsin and won so he is not one to back down from a fight. I realize many people don't appreciate Cruz for his combative style but given the viciousness of the left, we need fighters and not cream puffs like Romney and McCain.
Flash, I like Gov. Walker too, and admire his courageous and successful effort to scale-back unions in Wisconsin. However, like you, I really believe Senator Ted Cruz is the fighter-type that we need. I honestly believe he could be another Ronald Reagan--if I may be so bold--if given the chance. He's that good.

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