Ted Cruz Fights Back


All American
Jul 9, 2010
Ted Cruz Fights Back

RUSH: A bunch of media outlets are trying to hit Ted Cruz on the fact that he has no experience. It's amazing. The day that he announced, a week ago today, I pointed out the similarities between Obama and Ted Cruz and all the things that were said not to matter about Obama. What do you mean, he didn't have experience? Of course he did. He'd given a great speech, Harvard Law, all these great things.

And here comes Ted Cruz who actually has more experience than Obama does, and they're now hitting him with the lack of experience thing, and some are even saying on our side, some conservative media types are even saying, "Hey, look, we don't want to repeat this. Look what we did when we elected a guy with no experience the first time." As though Obama is who he is because of lack of experience. Nothing could be further from the truth. Obama's not who he is because of lack of experience. Obama's who he is because of who he is.

Are we to believe that if Obama had been a governor, if Obama had been a senator for a full term, if Obama had been dogcatcher or something, that he wouldn't be doing what he's doing? That he'd be okay, that he'd be a good president? Is that what we're to believe, that only his lack of experience is making him this bumbling idiot, tearing the country apart? So they're saying of Ted Cruz, they're trying to throw it back, "Okay, you said this about Obama, we're gonna say it about you. We're gonna say it about your guy."

Well, Cruz is pushing back on this inexperience business. He said, "Unlike Barack Obama, I was not a community organizer before I was elected to the Senate. I spent five and a half years as the solicitor general of Texas. I supervised and led every appeal for the state of Texas in a 4,000-person agency with over 700 lawyers. Over the course of five and a half years over and over again Texas led the nation defending conservative principles and winning."

I like this. You know, we've got some people here. Rubio is one, Ted Cruz is another, Scott Walker, these people do not cower. They do not cower. They don't wilt under the criticism of the left, unlike so many in the Republican Party.

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