It is Time to Unite Behind Ted Cruz. Right Now.


All American
Jul 9, 2010
It is Time to Unite Behind Ted Cruz. Right Now.

By: Leon H. Wolf (Diary) March 7th, 2016 at 04:00 AM

Ted Cruz is probably not the first choice of most Republicans in the party. If you are reading this, maybe he’s not your first choice, your second choice, or even your sixth choice. But it’s time to accept the reality that there are basically two choices left in this election, and one of them is an ignorant, megalomaniacal would-be despot named Donald Trump. If he is going to be stopped, Ted Cruz is the only alternative we have available.

I gather that many people would have preferred someone with executive experience. I certainly would have myself, but the only person left in the field who has executive experience is over 300 delegates behind Donald Trump, and is trailing Trump in the polls in his own home state. I am sorry, Kasich fans, the math absolutely does not work.

The only way John Kasich will beat Donald Trump would be if Trump fell dead tomorrow, and maybe not even then. I think we have seen that Trump’s supporters will not leave him no matter what, and probably enough of them would vote for Donald Trump’s corpse to still deny John Kasich the nomination at this point.

Maybe you preferred someone who is a better communicator than Cruz or who stood a better chance of beating Hillary in the general. Sorry, but for whatever reason, your fellow voters have ruled each of those candidates out, and Rubio’s collapse this weekend pretty much put that nail in the coffin. It’s now a choice between guaranteed loser Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, who might actually win. Besides, even if you assume that both Cruz and Trump would lose, at least Cruz would not spend the entire general election season doing things like creating week-long controversies about whether the GOP nominee does or does not disavow the support of the KKK.

Maybe you preferred someone who didn’t have such wild-eyed, hard-edged plans that have no chance of coming true. Sorry, but the current choices are between a guy who thinks we can overturn Obamacare and implement a flat tax, and a guy who thinks he can make Mexico pay for a wall they don’t want, plus unilaterally rewrite trade agreements that are the prerogative of Congress, plus rewrite the geneva conventions, plus roll back the libel laws of all 50 states so he can sue the press… and so on.

Ted Cruz may or may not win in November. Ted Cruz may or may not be the guy you would prefer, if you had your ‘druthers. But the alternative to Ted Cruz is the complete ruination of the Republican party and thus the country as a whole.

And hey, maybe you’re the sort of person who would be fine with that result, because you’re just in the mood to watch the world burn. But the rest of us have kids and so I hope you won’t be offended if you fight you tooth and nail to the very last delegate and quite possibly beyond.
I realize this is just another poll, but the reality is most Republicans won't support Trump so a vote for him, at this point, is a vote for Hillary.

Breaking: WSJ/NBC poll: Two-thirds of voters say they couldn’t support Trump, 56% say they couldn't vote for Clinton

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Well, we should welcome Mrs Clinton into the White house.


Over 97 percent of the vote in now in Michigan and Cruz is still ahead by about 8,000 votes so it looks like he will definitely take second over Kasich. That in spite of Kasich virtually camping out in Michigan the past two weeks and running like he was campaigning for governor.

The real take should be that in a state tailor made for his message -- trade, rust belt, auto industry, etc. -- Trump is only going to garner about 36-percent, or to put it another way, 64-percent of Republican voters still said no to Trump. Had this been a two-man race with Cruz, Trump would have probably lost by at least 10-15 points.

The message could not be clearer. Either everybody else gets out of the way and lets Cruz take Trump on one-on-one or Trump becomes the nominee. Trump is so far behind with women alone that he will have zero chance of winning in November. He will lose so badly that he will take the Senate, the Supreme Court and quite possibly the House with him, right down the tubes.

Rubio is done. Finished. Kasich may -- MAY -- win Ohio but he has nowhere to go after that, other than siphoning off votes from Cruz and handing states over to Trump. Are traditional Republicans and conservatives finally going to wake up? Or are they going to keep playing divide and conquer to the ruination of their party and the country?
The time for choosing has arrived.
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Neil Bush, brother of George W. and Jeb, was just named to Ted Cruz’s financial team.

Not sure why this surprises people, considering Cruz has always been a Bush boy since back in the day when he was a Bush lawyer and adviser. That’s how he met his then-Bush adviser wife Heidi who went on to work for Goldman Sachs and take a place on the Council on Foreign Relations.

Apparently all it took for Ted to get people to buy his nonsense a few years later was a little tea party lite talk. A look at Ted’s past and who he chooses to associate with paints a much different picture of Ted than Ted paints of himself on the 2016 campaign trail.

Below is a little refresher on Neil Bush’s savings and loan scandal from back in 1991… talk about leadership you can trust. And this guy will be part of Cruz’s “financial team”??? What a joke. That’s like hiring a child serial killer as a babysitter.

And if you think Ted wouldn’t ask Jeb to be his VP in a heartbeat, you’re just the kind of gullible person who will probably be voting for him.

I wish people would wake up to how much of a joke this entire election process is, but many don’t, even when it is openly being rubbed in their faces.

Neil Bush, brother of George W. and Jeb, was just named to Ted Cruz’s financial team.

Not sure why this surprises people, considering Cruz has always been a Bush boy since back in the day when he was a Bush lawyer and adviser. That’s how he met his then-Bush adviser wife Heidi who went on to work for Goldman Sachs and take a place on the Council on Foreign Relations.

Apparently all it took for Ted to get people to buy his nonsense a few years later was a little tea party lite talk. A look at Ted’s past and who he chooses to associate with paints a much different picture of Ted than Ted paints of himself on the 2016 campaign trail.

Below is a little refresher on Neil Bush’s savings and loan scandal from back in 1991… talk about leadership you can trust. And this guy will be part of Cruz’s “financial team”??? What a joke. That’s like hiring a child serial killer as a babysitter.

And if you think Ted wouldn’t ask Jeb to be his VP in a heartbeat, you’re just the kind of gullible person who will probably be voting for him.

I wish people would wake up to how much of a joke this entire election process is, but many don’t, even when it is openly being rubbed in their faces.

So, obviously you're not uniting behind the Cruz campaign. Fine. No problems here. Nice to know where you stand. Of course, I guess it's difficult for you to line up behind anyone whose last name isn't "Paul," I suppose.

BTW, I thought Jeb! was going to be our nominee? You've boldly proclaimed that here on at least two occasions I'm aware of. How's that worked out?
You think because I don't post 50 times every day how wonderful Ted Cruz is that I don't prefer him to the other republicans and dims?

Cruz's connection with the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs and the bush's is my only concern with him. Perhaps the bush's have made a deal with Cruz to maintain business as usual in D.C.
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First of all, we get that you don't like the Bush family, but, since the thread has to with uniting behind the Cruz campaign, I'm curious why it's been hijacked with ties to the Bush family?

So, if you "prefer" Cruz, why the derogatory comments about him such as calling him "a Bush boy," and saying "Apparently all it took for Ted to get people to buy his nonsense a few years later was a little tea party lite talk"? Perhaps with all the "concern" you have for Cruz you should seek out a more perfect candidate? (Good luck finding one.) Again, I guess since his last name isn't "Paul" that's problematic for you.

BTW, the "...because I don't post 50 times every day how wonderful Ted Cruz is" comment was obviously a reference to your apparent disdain to mine and Flash's posts. Two suggestions, Lynn: either don't read them or just put one or both of us on "ignore" status. Problem solved.

Finally, I thought Jeb! was going to be our nominee? Again, you've boldly proclaimed that here on at least two occasions I'm aware of. How's that worked out? I'll give you another chance to answer that question since you ducked it the first time....
I posted an article - I didn't write my opinion. Obviously you didn't click the link. My goal is to provide information. Did you know about Neil Bush?

If the Bushes have Cruz in their back pocket then no need to rig the process for Jeb. Clearly Jeb wasn't gaining traction.

If you posted 50 times a day about Ron Paul I would get sick of it. Hell, I don't want to read about anything that much.

Flasher doesn't overkill. You do.

The bushs are one world government liberals. They are no better than the clintons or obama.,480
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I posted an article - I didn't write my opinion. Obviously you didn't click the link. My goal is to provide information. Did you know about Neil Bush?

If the Bushes have Cruz in their back pocket then no need to rig the process for Jeb. Clearly Jeb wasn't gaining traction.

If you posted 50 times a day about Ron Paul I would get sick of it. Hell, I don't want to read about anything that much.

Flasher doesn't overkill. You do.

The bushs are one world government liberals. They are no better than the clintons or obama.


If you "prefer" Cruz, why did you post the article to begin with??

Again, good luck searching for that perfect candidate, Lynn. Your conspiracy theory of the Bush family having "Cruz in their back pocket" is your apparent justification for your failed predictions that Jeb! would be our nominee. Nice try. Again, too bad someone with the last name "Paul" is not still around, but I guess you could still write one in if it makes you feel any better.

BTW, speaking of "overkill," how many endless posts citing various conspiracy theories you ascribe to have we waded through? Pot, meet kettle. Again, you don't like my posts? Ignore them or just ignore me. Problem solved. Why whine about it when you have those options?
I told you - my goal is to provide information. DID YOU KNOW ABOUT NEIL BUSH? You probably didn't because you don't really want to be informed. I do.
Priebus suggested that Kasich could still end up being the nominee

Hannity: Well, there’s three people running. Mathematically John Kasich can’t catch up to them. You won’t say for the record that it won’t be Cruz or Trump?
Priebus: No, I’m going to say it’s going to be somebody that’s running.
Hannity: Does running mean it’s going to be Cruz, Trump or Kasich?
Priebus: I’m saying it’s going to be one of the three people running.
Hannity: How can Kasich get there without leapfrogging over people that have millions of more votes and more delegates?
Priebus: You’re going to have to ask John Kasich. But I’m not going to something that’s going to be an affront right now to John Kasich.