Erik Walden having a good preseason for the Colts


Blue Raider Legend
Gold Member
Jul 22, 2001
God's Country
earns praise:

...LB Erik Walden: What a night for Walden. If his preseason is any indication of what’s to come when the games start to count, he could have quite the season. Walden has been on a tear, recording 1 ½ sacks Saturday night to go along with his three tackles.

But his contributions can’t be measured only in numbers. Walden has been, at times, unblockable in this preseason. But he doesn’t get enough credit for doing the dirty work, setting the edge against the run and mixing it up in the trenches where he has a significant impact on the run defense.

Still, the highlight of Saturday night for Walden was, undoubtedly, his sack of Nick Foles with 13:14 left in the second quarter. He exploited rookie tackle Rob Havenstein, blowing by the lineman with an unbelievable burst out of his two-point stance for a clear shot on Foles.

Love the Josh Walker article. Looks like Walker is truly going to get a legit chance with the Packers Barclay completely folding like a cheap tent. As the article alludes to, these next 2 games will be the biggest of Walker's career. He's gotta get out there and prove he can get the job done with first team O and these next 2 games will give him that chance.
No the guy who played for the 49ers and a couple of Super Bowls would be at the top of my list. Kelly Holcomb at one point had the record for most passing yards in a playoff game
I would agree Don Griffin as the best pro player. But I think Mike Caldwell would be near the top also.