Conservatives 4


Hall of Famer
Oct 4, 2003
Can we talk for a few minutes, Trump supporter?

We need to clear the air if we can.

I imagine you probably feel like we’re the enemy right about now—those of us who are loudly resisting this President—that this is personal between us.

Well it is and it isn’t.

Honestly yes, we’re still scratching our heads at the fact that you voted for him, but ultimately we have to trust that you came to your decision as carefully and thoughtfully as we did ours. This cannot be undone anyway, and so our fight is not with you in the past.

And yes, we’re frankly mystified that many of those who voted for him are somehow doubling down in their allegiance, even while witnessing what appears to us to be gross incompetence and a toxic malice toward the general population. You may even be one of these people still steadfast in your support—and yet this is still not what our fight is about.

The God’s honest truth friend, is that we are not at war with you—we are at war foryou.

This is the simple, sincere heart of the battle for us; that when we say us, we are fully including you too—your future, your health, your family; the air you will breathe, the opportunity you have, the world you will walk into. It isn’t an either/or aspiration. It is not a matter of us winning and you losing.

You see, lost in translation across the divides of political parties and in the dizzying noise of partisan talk shows and social media trolls—is the reality that we are on your side, because we don’t believe there is another side to take. We are in this thing together; the 99.5 percent of this nation who were not born billionaires or have our names on buildings or be on Reality TV shows.

This resistance isn’t about some liberal agenda and it isn’t about the Democratic Party either. It’s never been about anything as small as that. This is about Humanity, of which you belong—a Humanity that is gravely threatened by this man and by what he is doing in these days to our schools, our
I'll start a new thread for every post from here on out, just like Lynn. I tried to keep it confined to one thread, but the Knucklehead brigade ain't having it.