I think you accurately described the leadership.
big turds
big turds
Digging a little deeper, I admit I may be reaching:We haven’t been a TBOR school since April of 2017. There were 8 original members of the Board of Trustees appointed by Gov. Haslem. Same was done at Memphis. The late Darrell Freeman passed away earlier this year.
LINK: “Shot caller “
I know I'm shameless to say this, but I was laughing as I wrote it.I think you accurately described the leadership.
big turds
I'm not shameless to say I was laughing when I read it.I know I'm shameless to say this, but I was laughing as I wrote it.
Footballscoop just publicly announced the extension. It's definitely out there now, just popped up on phone. Looks like Austin got the word out
Yea, I knew about the change, I just blew (mixed up) on my recall of the new formal name of the governing board.
Anyways, I think you cleverly answered my question.
If the picture is coming into focus, no wonder I've had a hard time narrowing down the problem. It sounds like it's not necessarily one person of poor leadership skill, but a problem of conflicting viewpoints and personalities in various positions of power. Each position has certain political considerations that makes it difficult for any one "leader" to act decisively.
Kind of like a logjam or even a stopped up toilet, we're likely going to have to at least hope to have at least one of about four big turds removed to break up the logjam and get things flowing again.