Amato's blog on rebranding...

Whether officially or not we just need to begin using Middle Tennessee in everything. Don't think we need big brother approval from a marketing or branding standpoint.
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Would have to be one of the cheapest rebranding efforts ever since they are already predominately using "MT" and "Middle Tennessee" already.
Would have to be one of the cheapest rebranding efforts ever since they are already predominately using "MT" and "Middle Tennessee" already.

Well, it's tougher than you think when you have the powers that be in Cope and the Athletic folks not going in the same direction. We still have that piece of 1970s sh*t slanted MTxx sign on the corner of Greenland and Middle Tennessee being the first thing seen by most people coming to the campus. I'd like to take a stick of dynamite to that damn thing. then you have all the recent crosswalks at the main entrances having mtxx instead of mt. Yeah, still relatively cheap things to remove/replace, but when you have a president who has no interest in it, there is no real interest in having a unified front on branding. I remember President Walker telling me after the TBR tabled the name change request, that it was his intent to drop the use of MTxx in everything, from stationary to licensed apparel.
I don't think it has anything to do with McPhee not being interested in it. You have to realize that there are just as many people that are passionate about not changing it that is in his ear, too. If you look at Aldo's poll it is exactly a 50/50 split at the time of this post with 355 total votes.

If you want it changed, you have to convince the alumni who have invested in the University as well that it should be changed.
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I vote to give Space Emergency Powers to change the name.
