FOOTBALL Middle Tennessee State/Tennessee Tech Game Roll Call

What’s up with these big time games at 11 CT? A ton of the B10 games are in the AM.
TV networks that don't understand football trying to access a time slot that doesn't have big games on it usually to boost their numbers. It's as if there was a reason the top games weren't played at 11 ct/12 et lol

LADY RAIDER BB Lady Raiders take on Fort Myers!

Checking UCLA women's schedule from their twitter site. Bruins have already reported home non-conference schedule along with 2 early season tournaments. Open play early November in Paris with 3 other teams in what's called the Aflac Oui tournament, & in December a pre-Christmas tournament titled the Invisalign tourney.
Middle Tennessee is not listed as any of their upcoming opponents. Lost a bit of confidence the Lady Raiders will be scheduled this fall against the Bruins of UCLA after all.
Schedules will likely be out in the next few weeks for verification one way or the other. If any Raider insider has further info look forward to the update.
