The Chances of Ted Cruz


All American
Jul 9, 2010
The Chances of Ted Cruz

By: 5

See Full Scorecard95%. There is likely a hint of truth in all these statements. Detractors focus on the negatives while his supporters see them as strengths. Say anything you want about the man, but he may the most principled conservative in the 2016 mix this time out. Whether that proves to be a selling point or work to his detriment this time around will be left to the process. If we want to use 2016 to run the most conservative candidate regardless of any other factor, then Cruz is your man.

Within conservative circles, he is well-respected and viewed as a person who will stand up to the powers-that-be whether those powers are the Democratic president of the United States or the leadership within your own party. Much has been made of the so-called division within the GOP- the alleged rift between the conservative base and the Establishment/moderate axis. Some believe that the candidate who can best bridge the gap between them will end up the winner of the nomination. However, the dynamics are much more complex than “this group versus that group” mentality. And it is that complexity that gives a candidate such as Cruz, like any other candidate, an opportunity in 2016.

There are signs that he is gearing up for a presidential run. He recently hired political operative Jason Miller, who has ties to the early primary state of South Carolina, to head up digital media and communications for a campaign. Miller previously worked with Issa and Coburn. Former Rick Perry staff member Lauren Lofstrom was hired for fundraising while Jeff Roe, another Perry operative, was hired for organizational guidance. Cruz will be attending a conference in Munich on international affairs with other Senators and Congressmen before a March 7th stop in Iowa and being a keynote speaker at an event in New Hampshire on March 15th. This has all the telltale signs of a presidential run.

No one doubts his intellect. In fact, he may be the most intellectual of the field this time around. Besides being a brilliant debater in college and on the stump in politics, he has argued cases before the Supreme Court with victories along the way. He is a Harvard and Princeton graduate who received rave reviews from his former instructors including Alan Dershowitz who can hardly be considered a conservative. Likewise, no doubts his charisma. He is a brilliant speaker who, unlike Obama, does not use a teleprompter in front of him. In the 24/7 news cycle, he is a candidate built for the 15-second sound bite. And that is what most disturbs his detractors.

There is the question of a Senator with only four years under his belt running for President, although in 2008 no one seemed to have an reservations about Obama who probably was the least prepared to hold the office. At least Cruz has experience as state solicitor general under his belt. There will be the inevitable comparisons between the two vis-a-vis their short tenures in the Senate. Although I personally feel that given the electorate’s low view of Congress the eventual nominee should be a Governor with executive experience, Cruz’ tenure in the Senate thus far has been one of being “anti-Washington,” which could be a big advantage.

Of course, it takes money to win a nomination and the big prize. There is a finite donor pool and with so many quality candidates in the mix, there will be competition for those donations. However, in the post-Citizens United era, a candidate like Cruz can see light in the tunnel. He likely has the so-called “heart” donors as opposed to the “investment” donors who view their contributions as a business decision. It is this latter group that most of the other candidates are trying to sew up. They tend to donate to the more establishment candidates, but in a general election might be willing to support a Cruz. Regardless, there is a pseudo-establishment class of donors composed of advocacy groups, some media figures and their followers and some select mega-donors who Cruz can turn to which probably explains why he made a side trip to Kansas to talk to the Koch brothers.

There is also the primary schedule to consider. According to the tentative schedule, the first three are Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Many consider South Carolina the most conservative of the three which would be to Cruz’ advantage. However, previous exit polls indicate that 84% of Iowa caucus goers describe themselves as somewhat or very conservative while only 68% of South Carolina primary voters describe themselves so. While this can be seen as an early advantage for Cruz, Iowa AND South Carolina voters say that “electability” is the top reason for voting as they do. The least conservative primary voters are in New Hampshire (53%) although electability is also their top reason for choosing their person. Incidentally, since 1976 the New Hampshire winner is the best predictor of the three early states in determining the eventual GOP presidential nominee (controlling for uncontested primaries).

Hence, assuming Cruz can create a decent fundraising base among the heart donors and a significant portion of the pseudo-establishment class, he can be at the very least a thorn in the side of other candidates, even if he does not capture the nomination. That thorn can be driven even deeper if he wins either Iowa and/or South Carolina and performs strongly (a close second or third) in New Hampshire. A good showing in New Hampshire would indicate that Cruz can play well outside his comfort zone- conservative red states and audiences.

One knock on Cruz is that although clearly a “message” politician rather than a policy wonk, it plays very well among his base and in Texas. The knock is that he has not displayed his skills beyond the fishbowl of conservative functions. However, he has not really had the opportunity until now. In short, Cruz would have to do some heavy lifting in convincing independents to vote for him in a general election, or even in delegate-rich blue and purple state primaries.

There is little downside to a Cruz candidacy. He is a Senator until 2018 when he would likely be reelected to another term should he fail in 2016. Unfortunately for Cruz, at this early stage he ranks about 6th (of 11) among Republican candidates in most polls conducted thus far. His combined percentage as the first or second choice of possible voters does not break 10%. Of course, a lot can change once things really get geared up.

The one thing Cruz has going for him is a rabid, adoring base (Ron Paul had his Paulites; Cruz his Cruzites). But, speaking in broad policy terms also works for so long before he will have to expound on that “message” with more specifics. Right now the best the Democrats have on him is an extremist label and criticism over a government shutdown that resulted in Yellowstone Park being closed in a presidential hissy fit.

Pundits on the Left would love to see Cruz as the GOP nominee believing he is the most “extreme” on the Republican side and that they can portray him as some kind of nut job. Trust me…I read their blogs. They may ultimately regret what they wish for in 2016.

This writer has no doubts that Cruz would deliver some memorable lines in a debate and in a weird, perverted way seeing Cruz debate (shred) a Hillary Clinton would be great theater. The question is whether after eight years of Barack Obama the American electorate wants strong leadership or more theater. He has shown leadership to the conservative base. Now for the hard part- convincing everyone else.

This post was edited on 3/20 11:31 AM by bigbadjohn45

This post was edited on 3/20 11:31 AM by bigbadjohn45
I can't wait until the debates begin this fall. Cruz in the debates is going to be marvelous.

He is the only candidate who has figured out how to play the leftist media like a fiddle, and leaves them flustered and humiliated every single time they confront him.
If this isn't the best news I've heard in a while I don't know what is.
From Fox News:
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz reportedly plans to announce Monday at a Virginia university that he plans to run for president.
The Houston Chronicle reports Cruz start his campaign outright rather than launching an exploratory committee.
Cruz will give a speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. Monday and Cruz aides are aggressively promoting the event, bit will not release any information to Fox News.
"Go to Lynchburg," Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said.
With a little more than a year and half to go before the 2016 election, speculation is heating up that several presidential contenders will soon officially throw their hats into the ring. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who enjoys a wide lead among potential Democratic candidates despite the recent uproar over her use of a personal email account while leading the State Department, is expected to announce her candidacy next month.[/QUOTE]
Godspeed Senator Cruz. Prove to the rest of America what you have already proven to so many of us.

Ted Cruz is making a GIGANTIC announcement
Originally posted by nashvillegoldenflash:

If this isn't the best news I've heard in a while I don't know what is.

From Fox News:

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz reportedly plans to announce Monday at a Virginia university that he plans to run for president.

The Houston Chronicle reports Cruz start his campaign outright rather than launching an exploratory committee.

Cruz will give a speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. Monday and Cruz aides are aggressively promoting the event, bit will not release any information to Fox News.

"Go to Lynchburg," Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said.

With a little more than a year and half to go before the 2016 election, speculation is heating up that several presidential contenders will soon officially throw their hats into the ring. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who enjoys a wide lead among potential Democratic candidates despite the recent uproar over her use of a personal email account while leading the State Department, is expected to announce her candidacy next month.

Godspeed Senator Cruz. Prove to the rest of America what you have already proven to so many of us.

[/QUOTE]Same here, brother Flash!

BTW, you know, IF Cruz's team wanted to (and I know they wouldn't do this), they could claim any criticism against Cruz would be raaaaaaacist! I mean, after all, Cruz's father is Cuban--making Ted half-hispanic, right? Obama is half-black, and yet any criticism of him is considered raaaaaaacist, right? Do you think the mainstream media and the Democrats (there I go repeating myself again) will apply the same standards to Cruz? NOT!!!!!
This morning, the country woke up to the glorious news that Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is running for president. The democrats are terrified, the republicans (Rino's) have no idea what to do, and the Conservatives are throwing parties all day.
To make his announcement official, Cruz will be heading to Liberty University to let the world know, it's time to take America back. But in 2009, Liberty banned the College Democrats club because the democrat's religious beliefs did not live up to the schools Christian theology.
According to the Christian Post reporting at the time:
The Liberty University College Democrats are no longer being recognized by their school due to the stance of their "parent organization" and the political candidates they support.
"We are unable to lend support to a club whose parent organization stands against the moral principles held by Liberty University," LU Student Affairs VP Mark Hine informed the group in a recent e-mail.
"Even though this club may not support the more radical planks of the Democratic party, the Democratic party is still the parent organization of the club on campus," he added.[/QUOTE]
After an immense backlash, Liberty no longer grants "official recognition" to political activist clubs of any kind."
But we don't think Ted Cruz will have any problems at all. On the contrary, we believe Cruz will be welcomed with open arms.

Ted Cruz is announcing his run for president
Not long after Sen. Ted Cruz announced he was running for president, the Democratic National Convention immediately came out and started attacking him and begging for money to oppose his campaign.
What liberal hacks don't understand is that we as conservatives take this as a good sign. It means they're terrified of him, which in turn means he's a man with strong convictions who stands on his principles.
In other words, he's a formidable foe and they know it.
Check out how they responded. It's guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
From Breitbart:
In what was clearly meant to be an attack on Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential campaign, announced shortly after midnight, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) may have accidentally admitted that it's worried about a Cruz GOP presidential campaign-noting in an email to supporters that his announcement "sent shivers down" their spines.
"If you're like us, just reading that phrase probably sent shivers down your spine or produced a pretty serious roll of the eyes," the DNC said in what it calls a "Factivist" email to supporters early on Monday. "But as of this moment, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president, and if we don't do everything in our power to stop him, the possibility of President Ted Cruz could become a reality."
It listed out three things the Democrats want their base to think about Cruz.
"He led the GOP's government shutdown, costing the economy a staggering $24 billion, as part of a personal crusade to take away quality health care from millions of Americans and give control back to the insurance companies," the DNC email stated. "He has obstructed everything from raising the minimum wage to paycheck fairness to immigration reform. He would give corporations and the richest Americans huge tax breaks, at the expense of working Americans."
The email concluded by encouraging Democratic activists to sign up for DNC lists, and get involved in their "Factivists" program.[/QUOTE]
Clearly, these folks feel threatened, and such a strong response so quickly should be like blood in the water, signaling liberals know there's a good chance they could lose the White House in 2016.
This should encourage conservatives across America to stand boldly on their convictions, sensing the weakened state of Democrats. Now isn't the time to retreat or back down, but to push back harder than ever before.
It's like being in an MMA cage fight. Liberals are dazed and their hands are down. Now isn't the time to hold back, but to unleash all we have on them until the ref stops the fight.
Let's keep on going!

Democrats respond to Ted Cruz announcement
Just after midnight, EST, the world heard a noise that has been absent from many lives across the country. It was a ring from a bell. But it wasn't just any bell; it was the ring of freedom. It was hope for the future. It was a sign that the best days of America are still ahead. It was the sound of Ted Cruz announcing he is running for president of the United States of America.
In a video posted to his twitter account, Cruz began by saying that "it's a time for truth." And that it is (see link).

Cruz’s Announcement And Why He Is Doing It Today