Mike Williams here, I’m not going to respond to everyone but I’ll make a few points.
I released parts of the tape so far (which I’ll release more soon if this has to continue but I’m not with the tape now) because as I said in the statement I wanted closure and sincerity from Stock and gave him 2 chances to “do the right thing” as he likes to say.
I’ve only talked about the things I know are fact which should be enough for you guys so I hope you question Stock as much as you have me. If he’s as honorable of a man as he claims to be then there’s no way he will look in your eyes and tell you this didn’t happen.
I was assaulted twice as a matter of fact (both of which I reported to the university) a second time by defensive line coach John Palermo in a one-on-one offensive line defensive line drill. He walked in my personal space and told me to move because I was cheering my offensive line team mate on loudly who was beating his defensive lineman in the drill. I didn’t move and he started throwing punches at which point I grab him and it was broken up. This was seen by a smaller group of people and wasn’t as serious of an attack as the first but none the less Stock caught the tail end of that altercation and was very aware of it being the final person to break us up once he ran down when he heard the commotion.
If I was such a trouble maker would I have realistically been able to stay on the team? Assaulting two coaches? I don’t think so. Or maybe I just felt pressured to keep it to myself because of public and peers reactions which as you can tell was warranted.
But now I made the decision to do what I did for closure and I asked to speak with Stock and he denied so what was I supposed to do. Let it slide? No... He did some very hateful things (a lot I can’t prove) to not only me but many other folks but they don’t all have the courage to speak up like I do.
So, wait, you got beat up twice now?
Ok, that's not acceptable. But this seems like it should be easily corroborated. Let's see if someone can verify your story (other than blacked out text msgs).
Could it have been misconstrued? I once was doing a drill with a coach on the DL back in high school, and we were doing it wrong, so our hyper intense coach kind of shoved his way into us, and I definately got pushed back. I never thought much of it again, but I could see how in certain frames of mind, once could see it as a physical attack. Kind of like Jimbo FIsher grabbing that kid's facemask a few weeks ago at A&M - I don't see it as a huge deal, but others have called it assault.
The rest of the stuff seems like axe grinding. You passed a drug test when you knew you would have failed it? You should send a thank you card to Stock - you kept your 'ship and got your college paid for instead of getting booted off the team. Plus, you're the one putting junk in your body.
As for the pro-day allegation? I dunno. That seems like it sucks. But again, I think we need more information. Have other players not been allowed to train? Were there some extenuating circumstances - i.e. Spray's time constraints, some systemic things going on (i.e. facilities closed that spring, etc)?
Maybe, they just didn't want you personally around - I won't cast any stones here - perhaps it's a personality conflict, etc. These things can happen to 2 people who are otherwise fine people. I don't think they are under any obligation to committ resources to anyone after they leave the program.
I dunno man, your version of events ,if true, paints a nasty picture. But considering the lengths of time that went by, and the lack of any corroboration or evidence - I don't know if we can treat your story as anything more than the axe grinding of a disgruntled ex-player.