Mark Levin: "If We Can't Win This Time Around, I Don't Think We're Ever Going To Win"


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
LEVIN: I'm not happy with the candidates. There's too many of them. I can't control it, and neither can anybody else. I think we conservatives will have to rally behind one or two or three quickly. Or the RINOs will pick us off, as they did with McCain and Romney and hope to do with Jeb Bush, among others.

On the Democrat side, this is amazing to me. I don't know how Hillary Clinton hasn't at least served some time in prison, given her background and what she's done. Now they set up this front group to loan their money through so the sources of the money wouldn't be known. That Bill Clinton receives. There's so much graft, corruption and sleaze in this family and what they do. Yet, apparently, that's the definition of the Democrat party. She is, right now, unless you take the goofball from Vermont, she's right now the only so-called serious candidate the Democrats have.

HANNITY: If you were running against Hillary, they've gotten away with so much in the past. Do you focus on the scandals or focus on how to get 93 million Americans back in the labor force, 50 million Americans off food stamps and out of poverty. Do you focus on the debt and deficit, securing the boarding, do you focus on energy? You have to have a positive agenda and tell people how to get them back to work and stop robbing her kids.

LEVIN: I think you have to do both. I don't think the candidate should get into e-mails and what it said on May 12th, 2014. You can leave that to surrogates and others.

I think the key here is to have a principle conservative message to connect with the blue collar and other collar democrats. To keep the base. To connect with the American people. And to have a positive, strong, consecutive, principled message.

Now is the time.

To promote our position and to contrast it with the left. The Obama economy, let alone the foreign policy, they've been a complete and utter disaster. The Democrats want to do more of the same. Tax, debt, illegal immigration, kill the currency, leave our allies on their own, stand back and watch genocide. This is a record.

If we can't win this time around, I don't think we're ever going to win.

BBJ, right after Obama was re-elected, I stated that the Republicans would never win another presidential election. Despite the fact that Hillary should be in prison, I still believe she will win for the same reasons that Obama won. You have stated that if Jeb is the Republican nominee you won't vote for him and that is precisely the reason why I believe she will win. Too many people will either choose not to vote or waste their vote on a candidate who has no chance to win. After Hillary wins and continues to drive this country into the sewer, these same people will claim, "I didn't vote for that woman." No they didn't but by their actions they enabled her to get into the White House. That said, if Jeb becomes the GOP nominee and you don't vote for him as many others will choose not to do, I don't believe you will have the right to come back and complain about Hillary when she is president. I have called others out on this for enabling Obama to win and despite our friendship, should the same scenario happen with Hillary, I will have to be fair and call you out too. As much as I dislike Rand Paul, I will vote for him if I have to if that will help keep Hillary out of the White House. Hopefully, you will see the seriousness of this election and do what you need to do to help preserve our nation.
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So why do I dislike Rand Paul so much? For the same reason that Charles Krauthammer does. But again, I will vote for him if I have to as a vote against Hillary.

Krauthammer on Blaming Hawks For ISIS: "Rand Paul's Ignorance Really Astonishes Me"

HUGH HEWITT, HOST: And so Charles Krauthammer, who’s right in this spectrum of explanations for ISIS?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: You know, sometimes, Ron Paul’s ignorance really astonishes me.

HEWITT: You mean Rand Paul?

KRAUTHAMMER: Excuse me, yes. That’s a Freudian slip right there.

Yeah, Rand Paul’s, actually, both of them, but Ron’s innocent on this one. He says, you know, these guys, Lindsey Graham wanted to bomb Assad, which somehow contributes to the growth of ISIS. Is he aware of the fact that until this week, or it was last week when ISIS took over Palmyra, ISIS had not once taken a city or a town from the Assad government. Every place it has taken over was swallowing up territory from anti-Assad insurgents, some religious, some jihadist, some secular, some sort of pro-Western, you would say. That’s where their growth has been.

He doesn’t even understand that ISIS and the Assad government, until last week when ISIS grew so strong that it could be bold and invade, essentially, Assad territory, Assad and ISIS has had this cozy, tacit, non-aggression agreement, where they essentially split the country in two, and Assad relied on ISIS to swallow up all the anti-Assad opposition. So that’s number one. This is just, if he thinks that we’d be helping ISIS by attacking Assad, we didn’t do it. But that’s not why ISIS rose. It took over in the areas of Syria where there was no government presence.

Number two, the idea that these weapons that we had given, well, that mostly occurred in Mosul. That was the outer region, that’s after ISIS had taken over Syria. That’s after ISIS had already swept into parts of Iraq. And yes, it got a lot of weapons at the end. And I think our policy is misguided to arm the Iraqi Security Forces, which are unreliable, as our own Secretary of Defense has said. They don’t have the will to fight. But that’s not our mistake. The big mistake is saying that it’s not, we should not be refraining from sending weapons.

We should be sending them to the right people, to the Kurds who want to fight and who are pro-American, and to the Sunni Anbar tribes, the few remaining right now, because it’s so late in the game, who are pro-American and desperate for weaponry to fight off ISIS. One of the leaders of the tribe said last week after Ramadi that they have to go out and to purchase their own bullets. What are we doing? Pouring money into a government in Iraq that has an army that doesn’t want to fight, and a government that is heavily influenced by Iran.
You're certainly welcome to point this out, my friend.

As I've stated previously, though, I cannot and will not support ANY candidate who supports homosexual marriage. This would also apply to supporting abortion. These issues are in direct conflict with God's teachings, and as a Christian, I cannot support any candidate who would support either or both of these issues.

That said, whoever our nominee happens to be would have to pass that litmus test. And if they fail, I'll vote either third party or for a write-in candidate.
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Give me a break...Clinton hasn't done anything that Republicans haven't done. Once again, you aren't special.
If Bush, another RINO, or a Corporate Shill gets the Republican nomination to hell with it. Hope the theory "You have to tear it down before you build it back up" holds true, if thats the case just get it torn down quicker so the rebuilding can begin.

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