Hillary Clinton Drops in New Poll, MSNBC Host Left Stunned


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006

Those fun-loving liberals over at MSNBC were left with their mouth agape in shock after a new poll revealed that their idol Hillary “I can’t tell the truth to save my life” Clinton took a massive nose dive in popularity.

I know, right?

Shocking to see a corrupt lefty like Clinton — who has lied through her teeth since she popped out of the womb — suddenly become the not-so-cool kid in school.

I mean, there’s the whole Benghazi cover up, taking money from foreign governments, deleting emails, and all sorts of other unsavory scandals, but Americans don’t care about that garbage, right?

Here are the details.

From TheBlaze:

A new poll from Quinnipiac University “Q Poll” shows Mrs. Clinton with growing, negative “favorability” ratings in Iowa, Virginia and Colorado.

Mika Brzezinski announced, “I think we kinda missed a lede here.” The co-host seemed a little surprised by the new numbers showing leading democratic candidate’s increasing “unfavorable” ratings in some key swing states.

In addition to Clinton’s problems in Iowa, Virginia and Colorado, the new poll also shows the presumed nominee has trouble when she faces some of the leading GOP candidates. According to the new Quinnipiac poll of Iowa voters, the former secretary of state would lose by a wide margin to Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio.

An astonished Joe Scarborough could barely contain himself: “Those numbers are stunning.”

Looking for some clarity on the polling data, Scarborough asked “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd, “What does the Democratic party do about numbers like this in Iowa, Virginia and other important swing states — Colorado for gosh sakes?”

Todd shared his analysis: ”If it wasn’t for Donald Trump, the biggest story of the summer would be Hillary Clinton’s problems solidifying herself inside the party.”

Isn’t it hilarious to see MSNBC tripping all over themselves about Hillary’s poll numbers going straight down the toilet?

These people are shocked that American citizens don’t want a corrupt, self-serving, big government progressive as president. I’m amazed by the fact this amazes them.

Hopefully, Hillary’s downward trajectory will continue, sending the loony left into fits of confusion and bewilderment, as they watch their narrative completely implode beneath their feet.

From what I understand every time she goes to a campaign site, she pisses a lot of people off and she is left with less fans than when she entered that campaign site. Stories are coming out about that too.
When Hillary Speaks, She Plummets in Polls -- and Democrats Know It
July 23, 2015


RUSH: I can't tell you the number of people echoing my sentiment, my philosophy, my theory on Hillary. You'll hear it everywhere now.

And it goes like this: The more Hillary speaks, the worse she does in the polls. The less she speaks, the less she's seen, the better she does. And the reason supposedly is, by the experts of smart analyzing polling data, "Well, you know, Hillary's always been seen in a supportive role, and that's where she shines, but when she's out front and she's taking the lead, that's when she has problems." Well, she's taking the lead, and she's got big problems. "Democrat Fears Over Clinton's Strength Grow After New Poll -- Democrats are seeing warning signs after a new poll showed Hillary Clinton losing three swing states..." We told you about this yesterday but there's more detail here: "[A] new poll showed Hillary Clinton losing three swing states and deep in negative territory on questions of character." That character question, by the way, is a big one.

Remember, the character question, as it manifests itself in Democrat presidential politics, is not, "Do you have a good character and are you moral and upstanding?" because they wouldn't pass that test. Democrat "character" is defined as, "Do you care about the little guy? Have you been able to convince everybody that you care about the little guy?" That's how you define character in a Democrat candidate. And it was expressed in the exit polls in 2012 when Obama scored 81 and Romney scored 19 to the question, "Cares about people like me."

Hillary is diving on that question.

Hillary is plummeting on that question.

Hillary is artificial. Hillary has no charisma. Hillary is robotic. Hillary is not genuine. She can't... Look at all the years she's been in public life! She ought to be the best person in the world at doing a stump speech, or among the best, if experience matters. She been out there for as long as I have, even longer, campaigning for her husband in Arkansas. She's been around the public scene 30 years. You'd think she'd have this down pat; you'd think she'd be able to go out, make a speech, and have people love her and fire people up.

She can't. Even now, and the Democrats are starting to get nervous. Now, last night I looked deeper into these polls after having heard about them yesterday. They're really, really, really bad. The only bright spot -- and there's only one bright spot for her in this poll that shows her diving in three swing states -- is that she's not underwater on the leadership. But, man, does she have no trust. The majority of people in this poll think that she is a liar.

The only place that she scores points is leadership, which is odd, but it's what it is. "Other findings are also poor for her, including on the question of whether voters trust her. Those results seem ominous given that the former first lady has been in the public eye for around a quarter-century," a quarter of a century, and it looks it. (Gasp!) Did I say that? Well, it's a factor, sorry to say. Sad though it may be, it is. The fact that she's been in the public eye for so long means it's going to be all that much more difficult to change these perceptions, because they've had 25 years to settle in.

So changing all these things overnight is gonna be tough, particularly on the question of honesty. The Quinnipiac poll showed Coloradans asserting by an almost 2-1 margin that Clinton was not honest or trustworthy: 62% said she was not, whereas only 34% she was. The findings were not much better in either Iowa or Virginia. Respondents distrusted Clinton 59% to 33% in [Iowa], and 55% percent to 39% percent in [Virginia].

There's a strategist quoted in the story in The Hill who wanted to remain anonymous, and he "said that deep panic would not set in until more polls show similar results. But, the person added, 'You have to address this issue, and you’re better doing so 16 months out than 15 months in.'" Whatever that means. It means she better handle this now. But how does she do that? How does she overcome the fact that people don't trust her? How does she overcome the fact people don't think she's honest?

I mean, that didn't just happen yesterday or last night or last week. It's settled in for 25 years! Anyway, there are giant fears.


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Liberals just cannot handle the truth, can they?

Washed up former liberal "news" giant, Katie Couric interviewed Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz for an hour. The leftist anchor, who has degraded to Yahoo, introduced Cruz as a historic candidate, and then went on to question his citizenship.
The “perky” one tried to load her questions with leftist assumptions and Cruz immediately dismantled them. She tried to interrupt him at every angle, but he controlled his answers. The look on Couric’s face was priceless when he reminded her it was the Hillary Clinton ’08 campaign that started the anti-Obama Birther movement.

Just look at the expression on the "perky" one's face (below). PRICELESS!!!
