Conference USA to name 1st female FBS commissioner

Can we men have just ONE thing to ourselves? Just one?
How come so many women seem to want to be men?
Good grief.
Didn't realize that I was implying anything, but if I was it would be that I want my daughters and granddaughters to have the opportunity to make choices to do anything they want to do.
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Can we men have just ONE thing to ourselves? Just one?
How come so many women seem to want to be men?
Good grief.

Abloodymen sir. Nothing is sacred or traditional in this country anymore.
Abloodymen sir. Nothing is sacred or traditional in this country anymore.

Dude, aren't you a nurse? I would think that you would be a little wary of judging people and their competence for a job based on traditionally defined gender roles.

I have to say I'm disappointed in some of the views expressed here. Unless you guys are being facetious, and this has all gone over my head.

I want the best people we can find in the jobs they can be used most effectively, and I don't care one bit if you are male, female, black, white, religious or whatever.
RaiderDoug. I was definitely trying to be funny.

MTFNBY5, I really wish sarcasm or humor could be expressed easily on the net.

If a woman can do it, do it!
SmithO1906 makes a good point.
There are women sports in the league.
My bad for focusing on the headline only which highlights "FBS", (the "F" standing for "football").
Football is played by men.
I agree with Jim Harbaugh.
“(Football is) the last bastion of hope for toughness in America in men, in males,” Harbaugh said.
I disagree with MTFNBY5 and his obvious belief that a woman who chooses motherhood and homemaker as her primary profession is less accomplished than a woman who earns the opportunity to be commissioner of a football league.
Todd: How did you determine my "obvious belief". Did you even read my 2nd post in this thread?
Todd: How did you determine my "obvious belief". Did you even read my 2nd post in this thread?

Yes, I did read it.
If I understand you correctly, you want your female heirs to be able to choose what xe want to do.
Based on your first post, however, if xe chooses to be a homemaker or mother as xe's primary occupation, you will view xe as less accomplished than if xe chooses to work outside the home.

It's OK. I think you just made a Freudian slip in your first post, as did I. All of us will probably slip up from time to time as we adjust our thinking to be in line with the new gender neutral world. It may take a generation or two, but I think eventually we'll progress enough to where we no longer identify as male or female.
SmithO is correct to say the league also has women sports leagues.
But that raises a question in my mind.
How come we have more women sports leagues?
Answer - Title IX legislation.
Social engineering.
We all gotta be the same.

If the article had not mentioned the new commissioner being the "1st female", I would not even given that bit of news a second thought. Carly Fiorina is one of my top three favorite presidential candidates.
Todd: I realize you are probably much younger than I but I but I would be surprised if you've never heard phrases such as "keep them barefoot and pregnant", "a women's place is in the home" or "keep them barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen". All these idioms express the antiquated, in most circles, notion that once married a woman should not work outside the home, her primary role is to please her man and to be the vessel for his offspring. I personally have never heard these terms expressed in a literal sense although I do realize that some, primarily those practitioners of various fundamentalist religions, would agree with the literal premise.

There was no Freudian slip in my post. It was an attempt at a humorous response to what I thought was your facetious "male chauvinistic" post.
She seems to be very smart and organizational. I think she will make an outstanding Commissioner.