I'm just gonna say it. He shouldn't be. He's 93-112 with zero reg season or tourney champs. Only 3 winning seasons in 7 years and only 2 seasons with 20+ wins.
He will be extended if we follow the pattern, but he shouldn't be. They can argue about giving time etc but we didn't have to give CRI time, and CKD had a 118-96 record after seven years. While a lot weren't happy due to no post season and not even hitting 20 wins, He still only had a losing record once in his first seven.
CKD hit gold year 10, but things are different now. There is no building a team anymore as it is almost year to year rebuild, two years tops. This year was essentially build for it all and McD still couldn't do it. If it wasn't for being in a good conference and playing schools like UT, we wouldn't have even been in the NIT.
It's time for a reset.