Can someone explain to me how Liberty gets a 13 seed?

Someone must REALLY have an axe to grind with Liberty.

How on earth can they justify that ??? Was Liberty's NET terrible or something ?

They would beat every 12 seed in this tournament and probably by double digits....
Are you looking at the ladies' bracket? The men are a #12 seed (not any better, to be honest - they should be higher).
Are you looking at the ladies' bracket? The men are a #12 seed (not any better, to be honest - they should be higher).

I'm an idiot. I was looking at the women's bracket

Mods you can delete this thread if you want, mistake on my part
😂 let the record show… first time in 20 years I can EVER remember Wiley getting on a soapbox and then minutes later admit he was wrong. Please mods leave it up for historical purposes 😂