A Thought or Two for the OC


All American
Jul 11, 2008
Well maybe the HC along with the OC. Just a small observation:

Instead of working on these "cutesy" gadget or trick plays, perhaps time would be better spent just adding a couple of standard basic plays to the offense.

I'm not totally against the trick play once every blue moon or so. It's more like MT uses them at the most inopportune time. I'm having a difficult time recalling any that have ever worked. I imagine one or two must have over the years, but they just aren't coming to mind right now.

If you are going to run one, don't run it when your offense is already in sync and in a good flow of moving the ball well. Why mess with something when you already have a good thing going?

A couple of examples that come to mind of why NOT to use "cutesy" gadget type plays:

vs Illinois today, the offense was finally moving the ball. MT just scored a TD. It was the right thing to do in going for 2-pt conv to try to get to a 3 pt lead. With the offense finally working together in a flow, why risk things with a reverse/speed sweep wr pass? It failed. You had a WR trying to throw a TD type pass when your starting QB is playing incredibly well with great accuracy.

Offense drives ball down to goal line. Instead of keeping it simple and continuing the success that brought you thus far, out comes the QB acts like he's yelling commands while center snaps directly to RB. Result? Failure. The RB who's not used to taking snaps bobbles the snapped ball into a fumble. Loss of momentum. Loser of a play.

A couple years ago vs UNC, MT drives ball down field vs UNC. Gets near goal line, decides to insert other QB even though your starting QB just brought you that far successfully. Result? Failure. Due to 2nd QB not being in sync with the offense, a false start is called. Offense goes backwards. Blown opportunity to jump on UNC early in game at their place.

Last example: winning wildly vs Charlotte. Kicks onside kick. Result: Total failure as the other team picks it up and runs for a TD. One of their about 2 scores for the game. It was totally unnecessary. Everything you are already doing is working great. Why mess with it??!! Just keep doing what you were already doing that was bringing much success.

So instead of blowing opportunities with trick plays, use that time in practice to add a regular play to the offense. Like say a screen for when the opponents DEs are dominating the line aggressively with no regard of over pursuit as they know the only run play will be RB up the middle. A nicely timed screen or two will slow those DEs down a little with them thinking playing containment as well lest they get burned with a screen type play.

If you're going to use a gadget play, may I suggest a time when things are gummed up and nothing else is providing any success. That way not much is lost if the trick play doesn't work out. Just maybe it will help keep some defenders honest even if you only have limited success.
Or running a trick play when you are already up five scores against Charlotte. Yes it worked but that play could have been saved for another time like today or better yet in a conference game against the team favored to win the division
Or running a trick play when you are already up five scores against Charlotte. Yes it worked but that play could have been saved for another time like today or better yet in a conference game against the team favored to win the division

In the interest of fairness, I'm not remembering a trick play vs Charlotte that was successful. Although you make a good point, I don't want to have selective memory supporting my assertion. A little refresher on the successful "cutesy" play vs Charlotte would be appreciated.

Outside of the failed onside kick, I'm remembering a bunch of breakaway runs for TDs, passes with run after the catch for TDs. I think I remember a blocked punt for a TD. I know MT was on the good side of a whole mess of turnovers. Too many for me to remember all of the details of each turnover.

Three successful plays standout in my mind: Jordon Parker's hurdle over defenders at the line of scrimmage and ensuing sprint to the endzone. The two passes to TE Pettis (?) around hash marks and numbers that he took all the way to the house. For whatever reason, those three plays are the ones I specifically remember out of the multitude of scores in that game.
One of the TDs to Batties was a trick play. I wasn't paying close enough attention to how it started, who was running, etc. but the play started going right (jet sweep maybe?) then they flipped it back to stock who then hit Batties for a TD.
Yesterday, Illinois did not beat MT. MT beat MT. The blocked punt, Brent's fumble caused by bad blocking that led to a FG for Illinois, and the missed FG is why we lost yesterday. That's 13 points right there. You can also add the screw up at the 1 yard line to which is another 4 points we gave up. The game plan was fine. It was our execution that lost us this game. 17 points given to a team we still only lost by 2 to. Arrrrrgh.
Yes. Our D is solid but our O has got to put it all together. We need to find our best 5 Offensive Lineman that can run block. Our backs need to pass block better. Special teams needs a kick in the ass! We will lose next week if our special teams continues to screw up our punting and kicking. Football 101.
In the interest of fairness, I'm not remembering a trick play vs Charlotte that was successful. Although you make a good point, I don't want to have selective memory supporting my assertion. A little refresher on the successful "cutesy" play vs Charlotte would be appreciated.

Outside of the failed onside kick, I'm remembering a bunch of breakaway runs for TDs, passes with run after the catch for TDs. I think I remember a blocked punt for a TD. I know MT was on the good side of a whole mess of turnovers. Too many for me to remember all of the details of each turnover.

Three successful plays standout in my mind: Jordon Parker's hurdle over defenders at the line of scrimmage and ensuing sprint to the endzone. The two passes to TE Pettis (?) around hash marks and numbers that he took all the way to the house. For whatever reason, those three plays are the ones I specifically remember out of the multitude of scores in that game.
There was a play where Grammar lined up at QB, I'm not sure where Brent was lined but he somehow ended up with the ball and threw a bomb to Batties for 6. When this play was run we had the game well in hand
Also I just went on and saw that Brent, Ed, and Richie are anywhere from top 2 to top 15 in the entire country in quite a few statistical categories. We have got to get our run game on track so we don't become one dimensional
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At least I have a pretty good excuse for not remembering that one successful trick play vs Charlotte. MT scored so many times, it's hard for any one person to remember all of the TD plays.
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Its not that we are one dimensional, its that Illinois was shutting the run down...we typically do not run will against bigger teams. Their D line is better than our O line, its that simple. You have to run to keep them honest, but with 38 carries, we tried to run more than enough. They kept stunting and we would run right into their strength. Most D's, even in CUSA (late last year) committed to stopping our run - the only way to beat it is to pass the ball, maybe run screens to sucker the Dlinemen in...but I give our coaches some slack, I am sure they were doing what they thought was right.
Considering the trick play that was successful, at least the coaches did keep within some of my "suggestions." If Stockstill threw the TD pass, than that is a pretty good call as Stockstill was throwing incredibly well that night. They didn't mess with a good thing...too much in that situation. On a serious note, I just don't remember that play. You think I would since it sure sounds like a memorable play! Not doubting your veracity, indicting my terrible memory. :oops:
What happened to the tailback quick pass we thru to shane all the time last year? I didn't see it at Alabama or the JSU game. We killed MN, with the play and would be good to use against the dors.
What happened to the tailback quick pass we thru to shane all the time last year? I didn't see it at Alabama or the JSU game. We killed MN, with the play and would be good to use against the dors.

Not really the same threat with RS as it was with AG. Plus it wasn't as successful later in the season once people had tape on it.

Edit- I am assuming you are talking about the qb draw with pass option

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