Thoughts on the Olympics thus far

Let’s keep the conversation productive. Moving the thread.
All in a all a wise decision. I don't blame anyone here for their own personal thoughts. To each his own. In retrospect I should have been wiser, & never created this thread even though its forbearance is that of pure sports. Obviously those within the French community who were given opportunity to espouse their own progressive standards wanted to put their take on things out there for all to see. Individuals world wide who embraced the long time structure of the Olympics were not used to such a presentation.
What was the result? Conflicting controversy between varying ideologies. I should have been wise enough to know this could issue harsh words amongst those who typically consider themselves friends in common when it comes to sports & athletics. For those who have exchanged any harsh criticisms feel free to place more of the blame towards me for creating this thread than towards each other. Peace to all, & hope everyone enjoys the rest of the Olympics for what they were meant to be. To bring everyone together in shared harmony of camaraderie & sport.
