FOOTBALL Duke at Middle Tennessee Game Thread

Well. Looks like for the third weekend in a row I will be moving on to other things while a Derek Mason coached team plays a second half.
I changed the channel when the WVU game came back from a rain delay. Don't regret it in the least.

I refuse to let this MT team stress me and get me pissed like I have in the past. And this year it seems there will be lots of channel changing.

Error on GoMiddle Landing Page

If you go to from a phone, go to the dropdown and forums, Raider Roundup is not an option.

The only 2 forums that show under the forum tab are Lightening Lounge and the Main Rivals board.

The only way to get to Raider Roundup is to go to new posts and click on a post that happens to be from this forum.

A person can’t get to this forum except by luck or knowing to search for it. I have a screenshot but can’t see an option to attach a photo except from a URL.
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