What are the odds….


All American
Aug 1, 2005
CDM will unveil a new look lid that features the block MT logo without the Pegasus?
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CDM will unveil a new look lid that features the block MT logo without the Pegasus?
Looks like he's going with the "Middle Tennessee" from everything I'm seeing. He's a fashionable guy, so who know's, he may come out with something new before the season!
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I've already gotten several things with the Middle Tennessee wordmark. Including the almighty Mason vest. 😁 I pushed Chelsea for the wordmark hat he wore and they've got the Nike one available now but only in blue. Hopefully they'll have the gray soon.

I remember the lapel pin that McPhee had on at CDM's introduction was just the block MT and someone, maybe Lee on X, said there was a reason for that. CDM and CM both had the pegasus on theirs. So who knows.
The renderings though for the new video board have the pegasus. I hope they remove it from the plans by install time. I dream of a day when just the block MT is on the field.
I do like the block MT, but i dont mind the pegasus either. I do wish we would ONLY use "Middle Tennessee" or "MT" when talking about sports teams and stuff. I don't want to see "MTSU" anywhere.
I don’t mind it either like some people do. However, we continue to miss the mark on the point you just made which is branding.

While I don’t mind the current logo per se, the block MT logo has a clean/classic look and is simply better. It’s the type of logo that can carry the brand (especially if our apparently permanent moronic admin would change the name) in a way that you know exactly who it is when you see it. The way the white Pegasus blends into the letters detracts from the clean, crisp look you would otherwise have.

But no one at the university has really ever understood the importance of brand identity.
Branding. That's one thing that annoys me. I've got some stuff with Middle Tennessee. Some with the pegasus MT. Those are the options on the BSN store where I got my vest.

But I also have a Nike hat with the block MT. I've got a shirt my wife got me that says MTSU.

We've talked till we are blue in the face but like said above, CDM appears to be trying to create a true brand, so here's hoping he does pull out some block MT stuff. At least he has the hashtags right now.
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