Are you aware of the fact that 70 percent of our alumni live in MT. Diversity is a huge challenge.
Yes, this statement is very true. In fact, The MT Alumni Association and MT Foundation used to acknowledge this in correspondence. Primarily, our sphere of influence (beginning to believe it used to be) is Murfreesboro and Rutherford County along with Bedford, Cannon, Coffee, Franklin, Giles, Marshall, Maury, Moore, Lawrence, Lincoln. Maybe would be Davidson, Wilson and Williamson—these three counties somewhat have questionable affinity to MT due to proximity of and affinity for other higher education institutions.
Around 10-15 years ago, there was a color coded map of number of graduates in Tennessee. There were several counties in where MT had fewer than 10 living alumni. Some had fewer than 5, such as Lake, Hancock and Unicoi that come to mind.
For decades, we have had an image of a “suitcase college”, then “commuter university” and now an identity of affordable public undergraduate university with a few notable programs such as aerospace, concrete management, RIMS, and finance/insurance (the latter chair of excellence since the mid 80s). Recently, fermentation science was added. The problem is we need something like dentistry, veterinary, law, medicine, or broader forms of engineering (we have a few specialties, but we aren’t an engineer school like Tenn. Tech or Georgia Tech) that support wealthier alumni jobs that can fund athletics and the university’s endowment for academics. Our 70 percent alumni penetration is heavily in the median income demographic, which is largely why MT endowment struggles to hold low 9 figures instead of multiple billions that Michigan, Vanderbilt, Stanford, and Rice all have. Our weak levels of alumni engagement do not help the cause either.
Geography, reputation for excellence, and brand affinity all are crucial to making up a diverse and powerful university with a strong sphere of influence. Wish more in Murfreesboro and leadership saw this vital connection and could move the needle towards greater achievement. It would do even more wonders for the grand division of Middle Tennessee and Murfreesboro directly.