Rev. Graham to Boehner: 'Shame On You!' Calling Cruz 'Lucifer' Is 'Embarrassment To Our Nation'


Hall of Famer
Dec 10, 2006
In reaction to former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) publicly insulting Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) by calling him "Lucifer in the flesh" and a "miserable son of a b----," evangelist Franklin Graham said "shame on you!" to Boehner, and added that his vulgar comments were "beneath the public office" he was elected to hold and an "embarrassment" to the nation.

In an April 29 post on Facebook, Rev. Graham wrote, "Former Speaker of the House John Boehner shame on you! You had no business calling Ted Cruz 'Lucifer in the flesh'—this is an embarrassment. And it’s an embarrassment to our nation."


"Then lowering yourself further by calling him a SOB?" said Graham. "I’m not endorsing Cruz or any other candidate, but your verbal rant at Stanford is beneath the public office you were elected to hold."

Rev. Graham further said, "The Bible warns us to watch our tongues, 'The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body' (James 3:6)."

At Stanford University on Wednesday, former Sopeaker Boehner said Cruz was "Lucifer in the flesh."

Boehner also said, "I have never worked with a more miserable son of a b---- in my life."

Franklin Graham, 63, is the son of world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham. Freanklin Graham runs the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the international Christian relief group Samaritan's Purse.